
Why does everyone keep saying he’s dumb? The pointless trivia they use on jeopardy isn’t a measure of intelligence, just your ability to retain facts that are otherwise useless for every day life.

Nobody cares because he was white. The problem is being spun purely as racism(which is totally a problem) when the core thing we can address is lack of oversight and reporting for police forces.

I feel like you're giving journalists credit they have never earned.

Matters so much. My friend married a woman we cannot stand(once during a party he left because she threatened to kill herself, the next morning they were engaged) and now as a result we hardly see him. Which is a bummer

Those of us who don’t own guns very much appreciate that you people can’t carry them in public, you have absolutely no use for them on an average, or even extraordinary day.

Leggings to me occupy the same place as sweat pants: comfy as fuck but be prepared for people to judge you.

What good is it if it isn’t locked up? Do you imagine you’ll be defending against home intruders or some nonsense like that?

Super cringe, I’m not a gun owner and feel no need to be but even I know what a barrel shroud is for.

lol at console kids who are upset over evolving mediums. We’ve had this “abusive” DRM for years and it results in cheaper game prices and bigger sales.

You sound like an individual who hasn’t accomplished much in your life if you consider 2 failures to be evidence it is impossible.

Well aside from the fact that they do. Which is what purchasing PA Semi accomplished for them. Now they have the inhouse experience to develop and tweak their own chips.

We can either ruin a planetary body with life or ruin one that is empty of any ecosystem. Not a hard call from where I’m sitting.

Where are you even getting that they spend it like that? Most places use gas taxes to fund road and infrastructure.

Why is it craziness? think about it, if you own any sort of business you want to incentivize the sort of people who have enough cash for a $130,000 car. That's just good business

How did a comment as stupid as this get so many stars?

Unlike fuckwits like you who gas up their car at home obviously, right?

People like you who don’t understand economic decisions shouldn’t comment.

Sure if you ignore problems like necessary pressure to fuel a vehicle and boil off

We already know what's at the end of the efficiency road, we aren't killing ICE, physics and thermal dynamics is

Apple bought an entire company to gain the expertise to design their own chips.