
Aloha software and dx12 support is coming. If you had bothered to read at all you would know it currently doesn’t support SLI.

They are more hardy than you would expect, I’ve had leaks while water cooling before and some of the gear is still running 5 years on.

Given that America has a higher rate for this sort of violent behaviour than almost any other developed nation how can you so safely assume that culture isn’t a part of it?

Between selling drugs and murdering folks I think some black people have a predisposition for doing criminal shit.

Try living in a place like Alberta, where they love to toss gravel and other shit on the roads. I’ve taken 3 major rock hits that required a window replacement this year.

With organized religion the flavour has never seemed to matter, Islam and Judaism aren’t a whole lot better. They all follow what is seemingly the same disgusting God, which makes sense since Christianity and Islam are just lazy sequels.

How exactly is it not suited to use in northern Canada? Unless you're talking really north like up beyond Ft Mcmurray and the issue is the distance between chargers. But nobody is up there anyway so why does it matter? There's no sense in catering to the 1/2% of people who live out there in the middle of fuck nowhere

Yup, this argument is so silly. I also feel like the people who complain about these longer pit stops don’t regularly drive a lot.

The key point being that associating yourself with a disgusting group isn’t a great way to not look terrible.

Ding ding ding. This is why people who water cool PCs use distilled water, it's the salts and other minerals in the water that allow it to conduct electricity, pure water on its own is actually a rather poor conductor

Can’t agree with you more, when something is announced and exists officially from Apple it hits stores on the date they show off on the slides.

No. It's centre of gravity is low because batteries weigh a fuckton(a metric fuckton)

Hydrogen is a shitty solution,you still need to transport it around(or make it in situ) and storing it is a problem because of boiloff. Couple that with the pressure you need to reach to be able to fuel vehicles and it isn’t a solution.

Don’t care how many kind words he says, the church has proven over the years that it’s not the friend of progress or free thinking people.

Don’t even care if people will say I’m also a bigot but fuck these religious assholes. Fuck religion, fuck their God and fuck all the things they stand for.

I've owned several iPhones from the 3G onward. If you have half a brain installing an OS update isn't hard

I never get tired of these jokes that have no basis in any sort of reality. Y'all crack me right up

Not sure I agree, I’m from Canada and since 1969 we have two officially recognized languages that the government has to offer service in.

Tribalism goes deep in people, I wouldn’t count on this. Just look at sports fans, or fights over whether xbox/ps/pc is best, or Apple vs PC, or BMW owners hating on Merc owners. There’s always somebody to hate

No no, see, you have the worst problem of all: people have the lack of courtesy to point out some of the ways you don’t have problems they do. Don’t you see how much you’re suffering?