
I find it terrifying because I can see how the open nature of the question allows you to frame it in really negative ways. If you have someone who sees this whole thing as a zero-sum, us vs you game then what you can assume to strengthen your case is to pit your worst case scenario vs their best case.

To anyone who

Given the way most people see this issue their opinion likely is exactly that: rude and uncomfortable

That’s exactly it! Pointless flourishes and such

I feel like that’s exactly what people expect. Thankfully my phone is still running smooth as butter, both my 6 and my 5.

In 3 weeks nobody will remember this and we’ll see “the sky is falling” articles when iOS X comes out next year

Holy fuck that’s ugly

Nope. There are always some number of people who experience trouble but this time around it seems like it’s hitting way more than usual. This is true of ALL software updates, which is why hotfixes are a thing that most software developers have a great deal of experience with

Because the software can’t be handicapped by your 4 year old phone.

How exactly does it “not work right” if you refuse to update? Any installed apps will continue to function(assuming back end of web services doesn’t change) you just won’t be able to get new software.

They can’t work fucking miracles, expecting them to

Basically, and as always the truth will be somewhere in the middle. It’s an issue, but thankfully not for everyone, though it is a large enough group that Apple needs to release a point fix quickly.

They haven’t changed your expectations at all, if you want it to work the way it did on day 1 out of the box: don’t update it. Expecting software to continue moving forward without leaving hardware behind is just stupid

Not the same, smartphones and their innards are far more akin to how CPU tech was changing 15 years ago, not 4. The year over last growth is much bigger in the mobile space.

Rockets are strong in only one dimension, up and down. Think of it sort of like a soda can, you can apply pressure end to end without wrecking it but anyone can easily crumple it from the sides inward.

If you try to land it without the landing being soft you will end up with a rubble pile, not a rocket

How about we critique your terrible grammar instead. Look, I can be an asshole too

Is this a real problem? I’m in a 2 year old ‘13 with 105,000km and it hasn't required any work

Send them back in a box, fuck these assholes

Not rubber you will be counting on traction for

True, but you also need to consider transport fuel to stations and honestly for me the biggest: big plants can do a better job of emissions control since you don’t have as big weight or space constraints.

This. Is. Not. The. Debate. That has nothing to do with efficiency you moron. Keep trolling, after this I'm done

That's sneakers vs dress shoes though. If you wear dress shoes all day(like myself) and spend any amount of Time on your feet, you REALLY don't want to be wearing $50 shoes

Yeah ok fucker, until you came in pointlessly derailing about gas engines making electricity nobody had said shit about it. This is a talk about efficiency, not how an engine works

Implying other laptop chargers don’t also break. My dell charger broke in the same area, the cable on the non-remove able side.