
Nope. The charger block for my laptop(Dell) costs $89 on their accessories store.

I would assume that's why it's capped at 20 degrees

Lol. No, whether or not the car has an alternator is not the debate. The debate is whether or not gas engines are more efficient than electric. Fuck off


It doesn’t, turning an alternator generates electricity. Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.

Alright troll, you’re a fucking moron. THAT IS NOT THE DEBATE. We are not arguing whether a car produces electricity(it has a part that feeds off the engine to do so, so what?). Are you just this fucking stupid or are you actually trolling?

On a per vehicle level, yes. In aggregate it will add up. A fair chunk of the cost of cruisers is they come with tuned suspensions and usually much higher trim engines. This would be an easier thing to settle if we had the actual cost of a tesla cruiser which I haven’t been able to find.

It has been but the Model S is the vehicle in question so to be fair to the people who think this is stupid I will withhold judgement on that car(though I suspect that all things being equal it will be easier to maintain than ICE, simply due to lower mechanical complexity)

Not sure if you meant to reply to someone else? Cause that was sort of my point, gas powerplants in cars is the least efficient way to do it, behind renewable sources or just burning that same fuel at a larger electrical power plant.

Are you fucking stupid? That isn’t at all what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the efficiency of the engine in turning that potential energy into power to the wheels(power as in work, no power as in electrical).

And because of heat loss and other consequences of ICE you get a very low efficiency rating, meaning

We aren't talking about pollution we are talking energy efficiency.

You realize that the average police cruiser is also going to be running above $100,000 right? And then you need to figure in all that idling time they do and the per mile running costs. It’s not 100% certain the Tesla will be cheaper long term but the numbers will likely be closer than you may expect

Nor are typical police cruisers, as they will usually be north of $100K. Then you need to factor in running costs, which as ThePro mentions includes an awful lot of idling.

The proof will really be in the pudding for this one as we don’t have a clear image of what long term maintenance costs look like on the Tesla(yet)

Don’t even bother, that guy is a fucking moron. Typical uninformed folks who have no backing evidence or rationale. It’s pointless to argue with people for whom facts are not important

No, I’m informed. Unlike you. Follow the link at the end of this comment, a gas engine can hope at best for ~37% efficiency. Losses across 100miles of overhead transmission lines will be somewhere under 5%, so yeah, no. You are FAR better off burning that gas at a big powerplant and then transmitting it.

Wow. You don’t understand the thing you’re commenting on. At all.

More efficiently than burning gas in a car which is wicked inefficient. Best case scenario in ICE is somewhere around 40%

The difference is you FLY the plane, these things will be executing ore planned manoeuvres, they will almost never be under human control. And certainly not during ascent or return from orbit

What exactly do you imagine they will be pushing? They basically have no control whatsoever during ascent or returning from orbit

Two apps running isn’t “fancy animation”, it’s drastically increasing the load on the hardware.

Well except for all the time periods where civilization wasn’t happening in Europe(this is most of them). Besides social issues basically any time period sucks because: