
No. Not at all. More like saying that the car does 0-60 in 2 seconds less but not mentioning that we sacrificed top speed for it.

Lol. Alright there buddy. The sales numbers beg to differ with you, though I must admit that my iPhone 4 is still the most lovely iPhone they ever released

If they don’t the comments will be filled with raging Android fanboys telling us about how some Samsung device already has this.

Their numbers may be accurate in certain narrow circumstances, but when they get these boosts there is almost always a trade off that they, for obvious reasons, don’t go in to.

Love that scene because it's lame and does well to prove why the robots are simply better

We do a single convertible unit, it sits on a pivot so we can spin it around to use as a traditional register.

Yup, my companies home office is in Vancouver and I'm always shocked by what it costs to travel around the area. And on top of significant gas taxes as you mentioned.

Not sure if you're Canadian but Vancouver is one of the few places in the country where we don't dump piles of salt/gravel/sand all over the road because they refuse to acknowledge winter. Makes it much easier to not have your car fall to pieces

You people who complain about spoilers are idiots. If you don't want spoilers for a thing DONT READ STORIES ABOUT THAT THING

Ok I have to ask, are these supercar fires common or is this just bias because they get reported?

He sounds like an asshole. Capitalism is capable of amazing things, it's a useful tool, not unlike a hammer. But like a hammer we would be hard pressed to build a home with that alone

I work in operations for a national fast food chain, we have these in some locations, they get less than 5% of our transactions(in installed locations) because people simply don't want to figure it out! They would rather ramble and explain what they want to the cashier and have them make it happen.

The group of car owners who can afford a car but tell me that laws requiring winter tires is an unfair burden(Canada, there are maybe 3 places in the whole country that don't necessitate winters).

$2.50 a gallon? Christ I paid $1.15/L today, which even figuring for the weak CAD is somewhere over $3 a gallon.

All that matters in any industry is the future, and unless something drastically changes(algae crude production, better biofuels, etc) electric is the future of the car industry.

If you can afford to spend $140,000 on a vehicle a few cents at the pump isn't going to sway you

I remember distinctly walking into the house and my mom and her friend sitting back to back on the floor with some empty wine bottles.

If he broke it off she should keep it, if she broke it off(cheating counts) then fuck her, it isn't classless to ask for it back

They expect us to thank them for the kindness they offer now and want us to forget how they behaved when they were powerful.

Holy shit, I've never made this connection before but it holds.