
Beyond that the papacy actually initially supported Hitler and didn't do any immediate about face when it was determined that he was in fact a majorly shitty human

There are lots of haters but I want to believe there are even more of us. She's doing good work trolling these guys(with the truth) and I hope the party never ends

How do people even know? My cousins are Jewish and I didn’t even find out until I was like...14 or so. And only because they ate their pizza weird

I'm a (non-practicing) catholic. Can I also enjoy Chinese food on Christmas cause that sounds delicious

Smart watches are trying to be a thing, so I suspect we have a while with smaller screens. I'm hoping for things to wrap back around, screens in my contact lenses fuck yeah

Check the definition, sarcasm has a purpose and you aren’t fulfilling. What you are doing is by definition NOT sarcasm, you're just dumb

So you know who will be selling all your data :)

Have ‘em, been wearing glasses since I was 12. My vision is actually quite bad. I find that when it gets small serif fonts become hard to distinguish letters, but that's anecdotal so I'm not certain how pronounced the effect actually is

I have fairly bad vision, as does my mother and both of us prefer San serif. That's anecdata of course so in no way representative.

Newspapers don't need to scale and that's where trouble comes in

Except when your logo is just your name.

You don't need to buy it for it to be true. Serif fonts don't scale down as well, never have. Legibility at small resolutions is a big part of why we have comic sans.

Have you listened to Kanye west talk? He’s been on a tear with awesome releases but he sounds like he’s either genuinely an idiot or he’s playing some amazing long game.

Doesn’t change the fact that this trailer, for a game series I’m a huge fan of, makes me go “meh that looks boring”.

I'm so tired of idiots calling sarcasm to defend their stupid comments. Fuck you. Sarcasm, apropos of nothing is NOT sarcasm. You're an idiot

It should be tied to their gear. If you unholster your gun/taser/pepper spray/handcuffs it should go to work.

In the books when first encountering the Covenant the Elites wreck their shit, it’s held fairly consistently through the narrative that the Elites are as strong if not stronger than many of the Spartans. I just don’t buy this nonsense of zooming down a hill tearing ass through forces that would present a serious

Except they really aren't. They're very tough soldiers who rely on skill and by being smarter than the enemy. Did you even read the books?

Original content? I won’t hold my breath.

If your supposed pilot friends value looking cool over data and safety information I would suspect they are fairly shitty pilots