
I assure you I follow SpaceX closely. They’ve had a single failure recently which marks their first vehicle loss since the Falcon 1 test launches. If you look at actual numbers the falcon 9 is incredibly successful, edging close to the ULA numbers.

Getting their bean flicked feels like being kicked in the dick? Or that is what will happen to people who attempt it?

One is understandable, one is just incorrect could be? And probably is

There’s nothing silly about delicious maple taffy

Never disparage maple taffy! It's the best part of a day at the sugar bush

This would be ace. I wouldn't have had to get out into a busy highway at a stop to tell the stupid SUV driver her lights were off

Well now you’re talking logic. You know that isn’t allowed in this debate!

:( I'm real

Canadian here, I approve of this wall. Gotta keep the rabble out you know? Gotta protect our precious natural resources(you know you want our syrup)

Jokes that aren't informed by facts aren't funny, they just make you look stupid

It’s excellent that someone using unlicensed IP they don’t own would be upset that someone took a picture while well within their legal rights.

You people say this as though whites never get shot dead by police. The one that’s stuck in my mind was an LA chase, they shot him something like 15 times at the end of the chase, totally unarmed. Even from the helicopter footage it was clear hands were up and no weapon present.

If the damage is serious enough that this doesn't help there may be a significant non-zero chance that the crew were already killed by secondary debris

Unless everything I know is a lie if you pass through a point in an orbit you will pass through that same point one period later, barring any powered flight.

It's 2015, any time I don't know how to do some task I ask my friend Google and get knowledge. If you can teach someone basic problem solving discrete tasks no longer need to be taught

Consider something like Mint. I used to maintain really detailed spreadsheets but it's way easier, and in my experience adults are just like kids(just bigger), if you make it easy enough that may actually do it

My friend recently got one(Canada) because to quote her “condoms suck ass” and from start to finish was under 2 weeks.

This frustrates me so much, why do these people think that their personal beliefs should trump basic human rights to equality? And why do they even care if someone is gay? It seems like a level of imagined involvement that frankly disturbs me.

I still have a touch of pity for him, not much but it’s there. Society does itself a big disservice with the constant reminded that you should “act like a man”(I’ve been a man for 28 years and I’m still not sure what exactly this means) and you get a lot of shit if you cry or show emotions other than anger.

That in no

But why wouldn’t you be able to find them? This is the part I’m really struggling to understand. Maybe it will become an issue for me when my new car arrives(it will have push-button start) but the way I envision it my keys will just sit in my pocket.

I’m mostly excited for this because the keyfob will be (slightly)