
I thought I was supposed to call him CBreezy now. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO THINK

He also neglected what we suspected but may not have known for sure from the Post to Be music video: tennis game strong

Since you never need to touch them why would your keys be anywhere but your pocket/briefcase/purse?

This sounds like a personal problem, not one with pushbutton ignitions

This is the inherent flaw in capitalism, it’s great for a lot of things but when it comes to the goods and services that someone NEEDS, not just wants but needs in a fundamental way(food, shelter, healthcare) it falls to pieces.

This is why there are basicaly no pure capitalist economies around, thankfully people

Are they actually? I don’t really like/watch sports(I am bad at being a man) but would fans care one way or the other if there were suddenly no cheerleaders? As far as I know hockey(my countries main terrible sport) doesn’t have cheerleaders and people still pay to go and see grown men slam into each other.

Couple that

Eyebrows on fleek

Imaginary gods help nobody.

Why did it have to be this? One of the VW vehicles I would never consider purchasing.

I test drove one of these recently, back to back with a gti and yeah, it’s fine but it’s a compromised vehicle. You get very little extra space or comfort for all of the fun you lose vs the GTI

Agreed. I almost had a heart attack when my friend relayed to me how she went shopping for her new car. She never test drove, walked into the dealer without evening know what model she wanted and had no clue of the features or safety rating.

The nav makes sense to me, because on my current car it displays directions and distance to manoeuvre in the centre of the gauge cluster, which is just massively helpful. My phones turn by turn doesn’t have the ability to do that, though presumably when I replace my 2013 golf with the new model the CarPlay feature

Most of those systems I've used (even the ones on higher end cars) tend to suck miles of dick

That’s fine if you drive local, and what if you don’t? I don’t use turn by turn much at home but I was in 3 towns today I’ve never been to and roughly 500km of roads I've never travelled. The GPS was certainly not wasted

Personal faith is an entirely different beast than an organized religion. You aren’t doing any better at convincing anyone.

First off I’m not even an atheist nor did I in any way mention any god that might exist.

What does a can of gas cost where you live? You haven't rednecked this problem hard enough

Does it block drilling or is there risk that the root system will eventually make its way in?

Oil runs out, the sun doesnt(for a few billion more years)

If he renounced his faith then he ISN’T religious, your argument is idiotic

None of the major religions comes off very well if you actually look at what they believe and preach

You can hold disgusting beliefs and do good things but still be a shit person. Would you apologize for KKK members who do charity work on the weekend?

This is true for almost all grazing animals that are domesticated. I had cows around when I was young and Those dumb bastards would shit all over their food and get themselves stuck in the pond.