
Being a good religious person of any creed is oxymoronic. You can't be good while heeding beliefs and dogma that are hateful and vile.

Lol. Ok buddy

The only way in which he’s wrong is that he is singling out one particular group of bad apples. All the rest of the religious groups deserve to be included in this party.

I don’t really care about individual goodness, if you follow a set of teachings that encourage violence or hate towards others then it doesn’t matter

They should really consider including a cubesat or something small to sit nearby and record it, why must everyone make me sad!

Ah I was referring to the pool party incident earlier this year, with that doofus cop who pulled the gun.

You need to take off your tin foil hat. It’s very clear from where it’s contained in the EULA and how it’s worded that it relates to the noted MS services.

I was under the impression they had crashed a private party? Am I wrong about that?

No need to wonder, we totally have stinky kid syndrome

You ask in the question about the movie why it's so hard for men to understand this. Well fuck, if something isn't ok with you speak up. He called to ask, she decided to be shitty and not answer honestly so seriously? Nah

Well this happened in Ontario so it was either local Vaughan police or the OPP, neither of whom are militarized. You are a fucking tool

I don’t find military expenditures impressive. Any idiot can hire lots of soldiers and buy lots of guns. DARPA projects are usually interesting but I’m way more blown away by the things the country is capable when the goal isn’t to kill people.

Are you in a more remote area? I have never had to wait for anything serious. Not have I known anyone in my family to have to.

You're overthinking things. Her work makes most sense if you shut off the reasoning parts of your brain

Depends why I think. Some people just like to touch hair, many of my female friends will sometimes try to touch mine(dude, white, very thick/soft hair).

I was going to let you finish and then you’re all “these words are not for you”.

We can’t just knuckle under and let this one asshole keep the whole country under thumb. Frankly this should have been settled 40 years ago. The North should have been crushed and Kim II-sung should have been executed.

They should totes sell merch and get on Patreon. I'm not even American and I'll chip in to see them pull off more ridiculous stuff

You want to spend money to go places? Pfft, that’s nowhere near as exciting as pointy sticks.

I really fail to understand American politicians in this. It seems like America thinks it’s fucking great(they come off as assholes to the rest of, sorry America) but they dump money into a military that frankly isn’t all that impressive. They can hardly beat into submission much smaller opponents effectively.

I definitely did, and now there this huge shitstorm all because I was quick on the draw to call someone dumb.