
Your posts are so incoherent I'm not even sure what you're trying to say

I never claimed efficiency I claimed that it’s reasonable for us to not rush things that need not be rushed.

I’m really not. It was for a non-critical and non-life threatening injury. Beyond which the MRI was in no way going to affect the treatment I would receive. I would have been told to take it easy for 3 months instead of 2.

Yup, I’m still really not sure how the original comments sarcasm fits in any single way to what he was commenting on but now my notifications are full of greys who all sound similarly insane but (may) be genuine. I feel the need to cry for humanity a bit

Get to a country with real policy that actually works then. We have socialized medical care(though dental/eye is not covered and medication is hit or miss) and things are just peachy.

Stop letting people scare you guys by talking about the Socialism Boogeyman and change the system to work well.

Lol. Are you fucking stupid? People are OBSESSED with apocalypse. Much of our most popular media focuses around it. But it isn’t the death or destruction that anyone wants, it’s the freedom, the return to a simpler(so we think in our imaginations) life. In reality within 10 minutes I would be dead or begging to be

What discussion? What the fuck are you even talking about

Is this more sarcasm or genuinely held stupid beliefs? The stupids are getting so high level I honestly can’t even tell anymore

That’s why I didn’t debate I insulted. Give that there are people who think chemtrails exist, that Obama is the anti-christ and that Bush did 9/11 I find Poe’s Law to more and more true every day I spend on the internet -_-

Lol another stupid. Socialism is a good thing for healthcare. Get informed

See comments like this are why I see the OP and think he must be a serious idiot. I have no idea if you're trying to be sarcastic or are just actually a dumbass

that guy

Yeah I would expect so, especially based on all the grey comments I’m receiving about how Obamacare is a scheme and a big nasty trick on good hard working people.

I live in a sane nation where we have totally socialized healthcare.

It was a stressed elbow that was potentially broken. My initial checkup was handled in 30 minutes and they wanted the MRI to be sure if it was broken. Seeing as how, broken or not, they wouldn’t have done anything different(I was in a sling) I’m not really sure why it matters.

I came to him comment after navigating a series of climate change denial comments so I guess I was keyed up to think people are extra stupid.

Do you ever read some of the insane things people who make anti Obama comments say? Poes law is hard when someone is trying to sound like a genuine crazy person

Coming hot off of an article about global warming, no it didn’t. After absorbing dozens of what are(possibly) seriously held opinions made this one go straight to the rage centre of my brain

You played your hand too soon and now you look like an idiot.

I live in Canada, I HAVE socialized healthcare and have now gained 28 years of experience with the system. You don’t know fuck all about what you’re saying.

Even for not so serious things, like an MRI for a stressed(but as it turned out, not fractured) elbow

It’s also responsible for massive explosions of algae growth in the oceans. I’m fully aware of what atmospheric CO2 does.

Pollution is just a term for too much of something in a place we don’t want it to be. You’re a fucking moron.