
...How do you figure that all men require women to debase themselves? There are certainly people who have been raised with poisonous ideas about relationships and how things should be but that is(I hope) being purged from our collective psyche every single day that we can even HAVE these sorts of conversations.


It’s 4:45 and I am off work eating cake in my pajamas. There is a 0% chance of that happening

I’m genuinely curious which technologies may we never have that this requires? I’m in the “doubtful it will happen” stage and would hope to not get pushed even further :(

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded.

Isn’t language and personal bias excellent? Because while reading it I filter it through my own experiences(I went through a bad time after my last breakup and have been guilty of wanting but not sufficiently pursuing a relationship).

This is the main issue with communication: we think it’s happening


Eh, what are we really gaining with prison? Should justice not be concerned with decreasing world suck or do you think it should be about punishment?

I would argue for the former. She is not likely to be an ongoing threat to the populace so I see little reason to jail her, however some sort of community service or

Uh huh, this is a mob mentality thing. But sure, make it just about men

Sadly, the general population. Crowds and mobs(like the internet) really help people feel vindicated in whatever disgusting hatred they happen to be nursing that day.

No kidding, how can anyone seriously think that we want such wildly different things? I want someone who cares, will put up with some amount of my complaining(before telling me to get it together) and is informed. I could be wrong but I would guess I just hit a couple boxes for a lot of people

Hmm, I read that question very differently than you did. I took hopelessly single to imply these were people who WANTED but could not find a partner.

It sort of worries me that we all have an apocalyptic desire in us, even while I’m reading these comments thinking about a part of me thinks: “sweet”

Why does that survey not have any of the right anwers? It isn’t hard:

Indeed, I would say she should be charged but the “punishment”(if one must call it that) shouldn’t be jail time, that won’t be productive and the fact is that she’s not an ongoing risk to other drivers.

What we CAN do is channel this into something productive, have her appear in some ads or do some sort of awareness


No kidding, it’s like saying that we can’t build an airplane simply because we don’t understand why gravity works.

The big problem I see here is that when they say “there is no credible evidence” what they mean to say is that there is no evidence that they can understand.

And those people get charged for those mistakes all the time. Really what this will rest on is what exactly she was doing that they have determined to be “unsafe for prevailing conditions”.

From the looks of the pictures(of what I assume is the crash) it seems like this may have been during rain or other wet conditions

Space, particularly depth is more likely to big reason I would guess.

Because of what they’re doing a lens needs a certain amount of space and depth to actually function well, it may be that they need to pack that area with battery or other parts of the phone

More to the point religious people will ignore that science is not asking the same core question they claim to have an answer for.

Religion posits that they have the answer to: why?
Science meanwhile is busy looking to answer: how?

It also enables many people with pre-existing conditions to acquire insurance who would not be otherwise able to.

Maybe one day instead of a bandaid you guys can get a reasonable healthcare system. If not move to Canada, we’ve got....uh, snow and drunk bearded men.