
Exactly, it seems foolish to also spend so much money defending interests outside of the CUS while devoting such a relatively small amount to improving these technologies.

I’ve been reading many of your comments to these folks and thank you for doing the work that I’m too angry to do! It’s good to have a levelheaded

It’s always time to double down. Poe’s Law becomes more true with every passing day as trolls and the genuinely stupid comments find deeper lows to drop to, as it becomes harder to make an outrageous comment that is obviously outrageous.

Especially on Gizmodo where I just came from walls of text of folks saying that

I’m fully aware of what exactly it does, it’s not a single payer system but the end result is that people will have health who may not have been able to before.

If you think this is lining the pockets of insurance companies I’m not sure anything I say can help you. Until America unfucks itself and does something

It would be far worse than most people probably want to stop and think about. People would start dying very quickly, especially big cities where sanitation and food would immediately become an issue.

With no tone to convey sarcasm how is one supposed to differentiate sarcasm from an honestly held, stupid opinion?

Fuck yourself and your dunce hat.

Lol alright, I guess you don’t spend much time around these parts. You will see comments like that in all sincerity. This is why people use /s

Yup, same goes for typewriters and other crap people get nostalgic for.

The reason these things are gone is they suck, no reason to be nostalgic for it

It’s not sarcasm if it just sounds like uninformed idiocy.

If you think trying to make poor people healthy ruins your society your society is shit and deserves to be burned to the fucking ground.

We know full well the effects that atmospheric CO2 have, the chemical properties are well understood. Whether or not we can actually raise the levels enough to make a big difference is not entirely clear but it seems like a foolish risk to take.

And there is no debate as to whether CO2 and other atmospheric pollution

Please don’t sully a wonderful man with your bullshit.

You act as though this is untested hypothesis, we know that atmospheric CO2 is bad for health, we know that CO2 can speed up warming and we know that if temperatures change too much it will mean serious issues for much of our arable land.

So even if you ignore the

You are truly in touch with the kids of today

The point of school is for signalling and to teach people a very narrow way of learning. If it were otherwise we would teach students valuable skills not how to derive a long a complicated formula they will never use.

That aside good on you! Learning and knowing things is important because:

So what’s my excuse! Terrible student and I was a sexless wonder until 20.

Damn it science stop trying to make me look bad

If we let all the white christian girls get abortions or not get pregnant how will we combat the attempt to breed whites into extinction? /s

Worst part is I won’t be surprised if someone makes the same comment but in all seriousness

Way to miss the point.

It's Jezebel, do you really expect them to act kindly or with any class?

First off thank you for being honest :) frequently I hear people rail on about justice.

Why should he? She broke laws that she agreed to upon her enlistment. Tough shit.

How is that in any way “the right thing”? She broke laws that she herself agreed to when she enlisted.

The answer should be for her to be treated fairly and well, not to be given special treatment merely because she has transitioned.