
Ok, this is a serious question that I am actually asking. What is the aim with more jail time? Do you think he would become a safer individual(or it is otherwise necessary to keep him away from kids) or do you simply think that he “deserves” it to somehow pay a penance?

Intersting, even at 5 pills that seems like more resources than are necessary for boner pills.

Even with the shitty things that happen today the global rate of death by violent means is lower than it likely ever has been.

Sorry, I’m not really yelling at you so much as screaming my frustration with this characterization of the drug.

And? This Happened during install which presumably means he was in its guts working on the thing.

That's the most generous way of describing a Big Fucking Troll I ever heard

Uh huh, when the papacy itself was supporting her belief you don't get to apologize it away. Sorry but nope

Since you bring up Viagra it's again worth noting: THIS IS NOR FEMALE VIAGRA. It's a totally different thing

You better watch out, you better no cry, you better not pout....

And the beauty there unlike with this is it would actually work

You’re so right on that point, it’s quite possibly the most damaging piece of dogma that all religions feel the need to espouse and leads to very real damage in the here and now.

Your husband did us all a disservice by not allowing you to beat some sense into her.

I just can’t even.

I’ve never understood this identity issue, my identity isn’t my name it’s ME. It’s how I think and act and govern my life. That being said I wouldn’t change my last name for the same reason several of my female friends haven’t which is that it’s a royal pain in the ass and totally not worth the trouble. If the SO has

Personal responsibility exists, but there is also the ability for media and culture to shape your opinions in negative ways that have very real consequences in the world.

The reason some people don’t behave in these negative ways is because they are able to use their reason and minds to see that what is demanded of

The difference is that most of those things do not have active calls to violent action included as part of the dogma.

The people I have in mind aren’t the sociopaths or (for lack of a better word) evil people, but those who just thoughtlessly go along with cruel and wholly immoral practices simply because it’s part of

It’s certainly happening, my guess would be the people currently professing to no faith(like myself) probably never found it very convincing. These though are not the ones who keep dangerous opinions alive.

The most dangerous believers are those who, without reservation, KNOW that it is true. And they will certainly

Sadly I don't think such studies matter. If these people were convinced by evidence and reason the problem of religion would be gone inside a day

Yes, you can when the religion in question calls for you to act immorally.

The system is evil when it’s teaching are what leads to the harm being done. In the case of religion this is immediately evident in the way they call for violence and hatred of unbelievers. The core tenet of Christianity is that we can execute, in a most gruesome manner, a man and have him carry all our sins away for

A reasonable person would agree wholeheartedly. But then, the ranks of the faithful have never been know for their reason or ability to think.