
Exactly. Shakespeare had it totally right, the righteous apply the lash for the very offence they wish to be able to commit

It’s funny that this two witness rule has never been applied to many of the dubious “miracles”

I would have more respect for religion if they took care of not just their own.

Why does it matter that it’s dangerous? This isn’t going to be sitting in your house with you it will be in the miles and miles of cable runs we do to delivery energy around the nation.

I’m really not sure and it seems fairly confusing since afaik the modules themselves will NOT be made by Google, they will only be selling the frames themselves.

So I’m really not sure how SoC makers will be able to provide driver packages. My guess at this stage is that the “core” piece will be fairly limited and

Oh don’t doubt I know that. The very idea that religion is required for ethical and moral behaviour is a disgusting one, spread by self interested cult leaders who preach about the everlasting life while very much wanting power in this one

None of that will change that fact that sportcars serve no functional purpose as transportion and should(and have) taken a back seat in this roundup

As far as their concerns go, they DO have it together, that’s the really scary part. Religion is doing its part to make otherwise good people act poorly and give bad people the ammunition to absolve themselves of their guilt.

Do you really expect any better from people who claim to be following great moral teachings

A smart man who got a lot of hate said it repeatedly and it’s still true today: religion poisons everything

I’m sure there is a spiritual dilemma in giving evidence that takes to task the oldest lie religion tells, which is that faith and religion makes people act in a better and more moral manner.

Since this is literally the only thing religion seems to have going for it and is the first tool the faithful with whip out when

This is what people who have never worked a cashier position don't get: idgaf what you buy, just get away so I can have a blessed sections without beeping and fiddling with money

It does hotswap so there’s something more interesting going on. Afaik the cpu/memory/storage all lives on a single module, so my guess is that they’re doing it over some sort of custom protocol since the modules you add will be gadgets and bonus gizmos.

Ding ding ding! You win!

Search, Android, advertising, YouTube and maps all stays with Google. Basically all their customer facing stuff

An automated run of Dakar would be amazing, would definitely watch

I’m not sure how you figure that individual incentives relate to societal ones.

The two are not close enough to compare in this way

Everything I hear about kids makes me wonder what the hell was wrong with me, maybe I’m too much of a contrarian to be willing to follow the “cool kids”.

Omg this gif. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us

nooooo. Minecraft is about creativity and construction, I’m getting near 30 and it’s fun!

Anyone who thinks they’re too old for fun isn’t worth spending time with. End rant

The sad reality of discussion and conversation seems to be that when things are unmoderated(like reddit, or like forums that allow freedom of speech) it will become moderated by virtue of the shittiest/loudest people abusing everyone else into submission.