
That happens? I genuinely wonder what they think will come of it and how out of touch with real human relationships you need to be to act that way.

How often would you say that sort of thing happens? I tend to piss people off and I would say that probably 1/3 games has someone who tries to friend me or follow me to continue hurling abuse.

A small part of me does feel bad for these guys, in that they clearly lack the emotional clarity to see what they are doing or

I find it depends heavily on the type of community. No amount of money would ever convince me to use public voicechat for a game of LoL for example. No way I’m letting those toxic shitters in my ears.

Games where things are a bit more cooperative seem to fare better, but there are still tons of troll-as-fuck people out

Do many games really require the mic? I’m a dude and at this point even I have gotten rid of my mic because talking to most of those people is just....unpleasant at best, painful at worst.

The secret of voicechat is private lobbies, otherwise you get people like me. In L4D I was a huge troll who would serenade my

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: we need an autonomous racing league. Badly. I would love to see what can be done by learning algorithms that can push the car to the very edge of their performance limits.

Typically it’s less about the slippery nature of the road and more about visibility. It’s hard enough for a human to figure out where the road is during some bad weather conditions(snow, slush) I’m not really sure how the computer will manage it.

To be noted: I am a huge fan/supporter of self driving cars, they can

Possible because of computers but still not truly possible because of real life needs. Airlines came up a number of times for me during school(material & ops) as a great example of how to NOT schedule your resources, because they always have these issues.

Unfortunately as you say, profit and cost dictates everything,

I think that depends on the forum and how visible it is? Like a lot of people get upset about hashtag activism but that could(perhaps) help spread the word and get people thinking?

Ultimately I think unless you are boots on the ground protesting or a public enough figure that your words can affect actual change, you

Especially given how little slack airlines allow for their planes. It piles up quickly

This is sadly a very common trait in all people, I see it most commonly in “warm glow” generosity where they give some token effort to a cause and feel like they’ve save the world.

I don’t know, I would argue that economic and social disparities feed off of each other. And at the end of the day something like economic issues we can work at with policy, it’s much harder to combat entrenched bias and opinion by writing laws.

Welcome to basically any supplier ever.

Uh, why? Running a stop sign or rolling through one is not permitted. I’ve been stopped twice, once in Ontario and once in New York State, both times for rolling through a stop sign.

Climate change doesn’t cause those effects. Your argument is entirely without merit

I think what may be a revelation is how much it impacts them or how it would actually factor into a situation in real life.

If at any moment in life you find that the pentagon procurement process isn’t terrible you are living in a fairy world.

It’s not that they don't know, it's relevant because in transport the slowest and most expensive thing you can do is transferring from one method to another. It isn't new information but it's a logistical concern that slows things down and makes life hard

100% agree. I main support and I just don't solo queue anymore because people will always bitch and moan because they don't see the things support brings

So what if it is? Expanding human knowledge is one of the few pure causes that exist, and robots and rovers will never capture the imagination of people the same way a human being would.

Blah, support isn’t a girly position, you have to be the hardest badass to do it without losing your mind over how most carries will throw your hard work away and scream at you.