
How exactly do you figure there’s no water ice or minerals? That doesn’t jibe at all

My Friday wouldn’t be complete if I’m not planning some sort of dastardly doings

Speak for yourself! If I had the power this baby would be flying already

You don’t do science expecting money to pour on you from above, you do it for the pure sake of the knowledge you gain.

Prepare yourself for all the Mars crazed comments to fly at you.

While I appreciate freedom and people wanting to make choices for themselves, which we must have to a degree, seriously people GET VACCINATED.

It’s a rare privilege of our time and place that we even have the option to think of diseases like Polio, Smallpox and the like extinct and beyond it’s ability to harm us.


Yup, the sort of dangerous verse that many Christians and modern believers will say “isn’t really a part of our faith” because while it’s bloodthirsty message may have flown a few thousand years ago we have come beyond this childish bullshit.

How else does he expect us to destroy the Hittites, the Canaanites and all the others who God demands to die?

Lol you’re an idiot

Thinness seems to win over everything. I also wish they had ditched the ugly antenna lines, which I imagine may well happen for future versions(using whatever they did for the Macbook that allows them to have no plastic hinge). While the ops & manufacturing guy in me geeks out over the tolerances they manage to

This is the colloquial usage of it and the reading that makes the most sense by looking purely at what the words say

I find I usually disagree with you but holy shit yes. Fucking clean up your face dude, this is the internet not some dirty titty bar

To be fair many engine makers actually do rate their engines in kW output rather than HP

Not really, the limiting factor here in how many modules you have in there, size is not really a limiting factor.

Agreed. At the very least enough battery to make the case flush with the camera lens. Like damn, I like the iPhone but the iPhone 6 is the ugliest phone I have seen in a while.

A nation that spends trillions on a shitty new plane can't build a relatively affordable piece of infrastructure. Urgh don't you love how humans reason and allocate resources?

How much can there possibly be to do? When I still had roommates(it was me and 4 other guys) I did all the cleaning and most of the cooking and even granted I didn’t do their laundry, seriously how long does it take?

I would imagine that depends where they are hosting the data, which probably means the U.S. Though if they have offices they may be requested to comply with local laws.

Frankly I’m amazed that you were able to wear that out before wearing out the shorty strain relief sleeve on Apple cables. Kudos to you

I’m a little confused by your point on needing a special cable to connect to USB? You use USB to plug your iPhone in regardless of what you’re plugging it to, be it a Mac or Asus laptop.