
That qualifies. Because as I said people were seeing reversibility as a gimmick.

It's frustrating to see this same trend over and over again where when Apple does something people dismiss it as silly and then when it comes to other makers it's suddenly great.

Yeah that isn't what I said. I said shitting on Apple and counting reversibility as a gimmick. You need to learn how to read

My main issue is that nobody seems to agree on which way the connector Should be oriented. My phone and mouse are one way, my kobo is reverse of that(for some reason). Knowing which way the cable goes doesn’t matter if you need to check the device.

Ignoring for now the question of whether those are legitimate complaints, the cynical opinion at the time spun the reversibility as a sideshow for Apple to justify the above points you mention.

Clearly for many of us the advantages totally outweigh ubiquity since we buy these products.

Valuing one over the other means you’ve made a judgement about how useful one attribute is.

It annoys me to no end that a successful launch with an unsuccessful test qualifies as a failure to some.

Yeah I noted that, though not in depth. The ISS resupply missions are a nice figure though that I think demonstrates quite well why this fellow is misguided, since it is a grossly inflated number that still stomps on the cost efficiency of the Saturn 1B.

Not a chance. I would never expect the irrational mind to allow in rational debate or facts

Don't hold your breath

That was part of it, but I'm more thinking towards the people who wanted Apple to move to Micro USB. If my memory is right this was also while Europe was still discussing a required standard charging cable(though my timelines may be mixed up) which lent credence moving towards the iPhone 5 release that maybe they

Yes which still proves my point: people did not see the value of reversibility being greater than the advantage of ubiquity.

My initial point though was people didn’t value the reversible nature. Hell I didn’t until I had occasion to have one, and now I won’t go back.

And that’s exactly my point, the opinion at the time seemed to be that the reversibility was a gimmick or some sort of way to justify the price Apple charges for its cables.

You never had to look at the cable, like many devices that honour the USB spec recommendations there was a silk screened icon on the “top” of the connector to help you orient it.

I’m really not, there were many people who wanted Apple to adopt micro usb. Meaning that they valued cheap cables and ubiquity over reversibility.

That existed too but there was a very loud group who seemed to want Apple to adopt micro usb. Which to me says they don’t value reversibility, or there are other factors they value more than it.

No but arguing against the technically superior connector says that the commenters value compatibility over usability. Which is itself a statement about how valuable they think reversibility is. What I know is that after almost 3 years of using it I get super annoyed any time I have to use the alternatives(my android,

Prioritizing interoperability over usability fits for me, arguing for the inferior product is dismissing the wins we got from Lightning.