
Maybe that’s a bad way to put it but there was plenty of rage that Apple hadnt adopted micro usb and that they were breaking compatibility with their old accessories for no real gain.

Plenty of people didn’t seem to think it was worth it, and shouted that adopting micro usb should have been their move.

Were you following things when lightning got released? There was lots of rage that Apple would dare to change their charging cable “so quickly” and people questioning the value of doing so for the ability to be reversible.

There was so much rage and jokes about how Apple had abandoned their old dock port so quickly(a decade is quick apparently), and people were yelling that Apple should have adopted the (shitty as hell) micro usb standard

I don't think our facts will get through

I loved how when Lightning was released so many people were crapping on the reversibility as a gimmick. Oh how things have changed, now everyone realizes how much better it is if orientation doesn't matter

Why would they fly a craft that has had fewer successful launches and costs $300,000,000 corrected for inflation and takes 21,000kg to LEO vs the Falcon 9 contract missions costing $130,000,000 and taking up 13,000kg to LEO.

“Fuck this shit I’m out!”

Usability also comes into it, which plays a massive role given how much people use their smartphones for these days

Water with a 200ppm chlorine concentration also does well. And giving (lettuce anyway) a cd water bath also crisps it up.

People get scared either way, I work in ops for a fast food chain so I have to handle a lot of food safety complaints we receive and you be blown away by how many folks are upset that we use chlorine to clean our produce.

I’m also salaried to do a job, but I discussed expectations of hours with my employer when I got hired.

Anything that is manufactured will have a footprint of pollutants and waste of some sort.

I’m not dismissing it as non-existent, but you seem to be dismissing desal out of hand simply because there is a waste issue to contend with. It may not be possible to eliminate it but we can certainly mitigate it and your snide

I get the joke I’ve just never understood it, there are an awful lot of assholes here in Canada’s Texas(otherwise known as Alberta)

I addressed the only point you made which is “HURR DURR WASTE MATERIALS”. Everything generates waste, if we cannot eliminate it we mitigate it.

You haven’t presented anything more beyond your worthless single sentence rebuttals for a few comments now. Try harder

Unpaid though. And I am very sad for you that 50 hours is considered average. I am employed to work 40 hours per week, if they want me to work longer than that they can choose to pay me more.

It’s pointless to argue with you, you allow for no discussion because you posit the worst possible case and assume it will happen.

Before you open your mouth you might want to know a thing or two about what you’re talking about.

The fact that you refer to them as monsters means that you have made this an emotional issue, not a rational one. We know a fair bit about brain development, though you don’t seem to be aware of this, and your proclamation

No, it really is. People NEED water to live, not in the way we need other things but literally to clock another day.

And you act as though there are no other methods or solutions for dealing with mitigating the waste. Depending on methods you can use it to produce water and sea salt, which accounts for a significant

It doesn’t just vanish but on the flip side neither do all the people who need water. We can’t simply keep tapping aquifers forever, they aren’t being replenished quickly enough.

A bad solution is better than none at all