
You aren’t understanding what physical access means in this context. It’s about whether it’s a remote attack or if you need physical access to the interior which the UConnect exploit does not seem to require

The car can't actually engage power while still connected. But regardless you're right, this is a small convenience thing that seems silly until you get used to it

Sounds like but isn't. The reality is if someone has unimpeded access to your car interior you are screwed now matter how many computers are in there

Indeed, I’m not really sure who this product is for honestly. I guess there may be some folks who lack the self control and planning to handle drinking?

Don't get me wrong, drunk cyclists are bad. But that's still not on par with the danger of a drunk driver

How exactly is a drunk cyclist as dangerous as a driver? A driver is wrapped in several thousand pounds of speeding steel, the worst a drunk cyclist can be is a distraction

Japan attacked an uninvolved party with no provocation, dropping a nuke may not have been necessary, none of us know how it would have turned out otherwise, but I find it hard to dredge up any pity for this nation

I’m not American so no, I don’t. But citizens can always refuse to fight, refuse to work in factories and refuse to support the war effort.

A nuclear bomb would be a bit much but I(even as a catholic) would love to see the Vatican torn down and their whole organization ground from our cultural memory.

Exploits that require physical access aren’t important. There’s a reason this isn’t getting much coverage.

Everything is scarier when computers are involved. Isn't it terrifying?!? /s

It someone devotes enough energy to it and has physical access to your car you are screwed no matter what. There’s plenty of things I can do to your car if I have access to it that would be bad for you.

Thank you, holy shit that annoys me, you have to tear it apart for it to work. If you just give it a quick yank the top part opens easy as pie.

Oh yes what a shame that homeless people wind up with a place to live.

Many of us not in the military have a lot of contempt for you people.

Yes, of course. But this vain idea that computers won't eventually surpass us is silly cheerleading

I travel a lot for work, so I was in a hotel while typing that. Not possible to cook a decent meal.

Citizens always have a say. The leaders can't prosecute a war nobody is willing to fight.

Life just ain't fair, I would look creepy as hell with that facial hair

I didn't know I wanted this until you told me I did. Yes please