

These people threw in with Hitler. Tough shit

I was referring obviously to shitty company behaviour and vertical integration. One causes the other but not in the way you people seem to think

When companies behave badly, since their goal is to make money, they usually end up with fat bank accounts. This ALLOWS them the freedom to just buy up everyone in their

It’s such a silly stupid thing but its like....this was just a dumb plastic tub with some arms and legs. He sat there looking pathetic until people took pity on him, why would you have such rage for such an innocent thing?

Why must you insist on being wrong? The soft G does exist, you people need to stop pretending it doesn’t. Just how the fuck do you say giraffe?

Thank you, I didn’t realize anyone thought this was even an issue.

And once you know that obviously you must read it “you” “are” “ell” you can remember APA formatting and bam! It’s “a url” not an “earl”.

Fucking people man, making a simple thing super complicated because they don’t stop to think

Is it so surprising? It’s insulting, obviously that will sting. You’re supposing that because we don’t value this one thing that there must be more that is wrong with us.

Just because things are primal doesn’t mean that people won’t be able to make a case for doing otherwise. I would argue that sex is very primal and

Again, you are confusing cause and effect. Vertical integration is not the source of the shitty company behaviour, it’s the monopolies that allow it.

WELL ALRIGHTY THEN. I didn’t realize it was my job to learn every detail of history as it relates to black people.

I would attribute that more to toxic masculinity than anything.

I have trouble understanding why it matters, and why we would have two words to mean the same thing?

Words are derived from plenty of oddball places, that doesn’t mean they belong to anyone in particular. If you think they do I’m not entirely sure you understand how languages evolve

I didn’t bother because I already know he’s a bit off. But there’s a big difference between a guy who has a vested interest in shilling the product and the product/it’s users.

But why is that even a problem? If the tradeoff they are making(of forgoing deliciousness) works for them why is it an issue? When they become preachy about it: fire away! There’s nothing worse than sanctimonious bullshit.

You’re still hung up on the idea of natural, but that word means so little. Animals will eat what

I find this comment incredibly insulting. Seriously, what else do we not value? How can you type this and not feel like you’re missing the point.

Food is fuel, I need it but I don’t always need to enjoy it. And yes, amazingly I’m still a human and still value many things people would consider important. It’s simply

Some of us don’t WANT to be connected to others when we eat.

Eating is maintenance for your body, that’s it. If you enjoy the social aspect good for you, plenty of people don’t or can’t be bothered to care. This has nothing to do with feeling superior and everything to do with the tradeoffs for our time and limited

Ding Ding Ding! That’s exactly it, eating is fun, cooking is not so (for everyone).

Oops, I was under the mistake assumption that was from the article, not a random commenter.

No kidding I am, can you blame me? Even this bit you quoted from the article is insulting. I’m usually a big Annalee fan but this is one time she should sit down and shut the fuck up.

My issue is with that last statement “if you’re willing to substitute such a basic part of the human experience for the sake of

“You obviously don’t know how to cook well if you hate it.”

This was directed straight at me. I’m taking it personally because you are making judgements that frankly, you have no business making. And no, cooking shouldn’t be fun and rewarding. It CAN be, but not all of us find the same things fun and rewarding.

And those aren’t choices I want to take advantage of, for various reasons(I hate soup, never fills me up, take out in the town I live in is expensive, delivery charge alone is $9, and my grocery store that is local has a very shitty selection of prepared meals).

The fact is you people are arguing that we shouldn’t be