
No, you’re telling me I should enjoy cooking. Cooking is not eating. And you make the absurd claim that I must not cook well since I don’t like to do it. To be clear: I love the end part where I get to eat the food, but getting there is an annoyance. Because I DO NOT ENJOY COOKING.

I’m not sure how you can be so

Because FOR ME THEY ARE. You know what I had for supper last time? I had a can of zoodles, toast with peanut butter and a yogurt. By all measures that is a shitty fucking meal, it’s not particularly healthy or tasty. Today due to laziness I didn’t even eat breakfast, so that’s a clear 0.

It does, which is why it upsets me so when these idiots make broad proclamations about it being good/bad.

Not all of us give a fuck about the social aspect of food( I find it stressful and unpleasant to eat with others, but it’s something that I am more or less obligated to do), nor do we even enjoy the cooking

Some of us don’t enjoy that. I hate eating with people and find social meals to be stressful and unpleasant.

That isn’t a fault of vertical integration it’s a fault of poor consumer protection laws.

I just don’t understand why a hairstyle is only called that if it’s on the head of a black person. If it’s in the same style why is it something else?

This is like saying: when I wear them they are pants, but you’re black so when you wear them you can’t call them pants, even if they are the same shape and function

Your comments make me think you’re an idiot. Don’t fucking tell me what I’m good at or what I “should” enjoy.

I’ll give you a chance to not sound like a fuckwit, and please explain to me why you think I’m bad at cooking.

It’s not a false dilemma if it’s the actual situation. Which it is, FOR ME. I don’t eat for pleasure, I eat to keep living. I don’t need or want my meals to be a big affair, because my time is worth more to me than an enjoyable meal is.

I have never understood why vertical integration is so hated, it makes for more efficient business. Why should any business be forced to purchase services from someone else if they can provide it for themselves?

Or people who need to travel. I don’t live in the US so sadly I wouldn’t be able to take advantage(yet) but I do a lot of travel and driving for work, this week alone I’ll be clocking about 2000km of travel. Having a phone that isn’t on any particular carrier and could use whatever network is best in the area would be


My friend is caucasian(primarily, he's adopted and he isn't sure of his entire genealogy) but has ludicrously curly hair, if he teases it it looks just like this. Is that an Afro or is it something else since he's white?

Even if I was eating real food. Cooking sucks, but I like to not die. Gotta compromise somewhere

I know about my hair, why would I bother learning about anyone else’s? And my hair is super straight, so I don’t know the first thing about curly or textured hair. I’m really not sure why you would expect me to know this.

wellI know how to cook, I hate doing it. Why would I spend time doing things I don’t enjoy? That just seems counterproductive. Ideally what I want is some good prepared meals and the rest to simply fulfill nutritional requirements

Why is it only achieve able for black hair? I know nothing about hair, this is all news to me

Most of my meals aren't delicious or special, they are just pragmatic filling of caloric requirements. Taste is not the ultimate decider here

What am I missing here? Why would curly hair in that style not be an Afro?

This. I have my first order on the way, because frankly I can't be arsed to cook. Something like this is miles better than a crappy sandwich or lazy eggs

Laziness. I hate cooking and simply don't want to do it, but I need food to live. So why not replace some of my meals with this? Im not going to make the good decision when the chips are down, I'll be busy ordering a pizza