
“Her clothes mean she was asking for it”

Our home office requires full suit in the office, you folks are lucky as hell

They are however infamous(better word) for sacrificing user experience for security. Example: new rootless mode for El Capitan, it takes away power and options for people who know what they're doing but will go far towards increasing minimum security for dumbasses

Please explain how men telling women about men is mansplaining

Woaw there. Are you forgetting we have Quebec? Cause we totally do

To be just like some superior nation.

It’s all moot, from the correct perspective you're all the south

It’s really not the huge inconvenience Pinkham makes it out to be, if you expect the staff to know the name specifically that’s another story.

But seriously, I’ve worked fast food almost a decade now and when I worked in-store it’s like, whats the fuss making something special? You wanna pay and you wanna eat? Hell we

Why are you so upset by people getting special orders? You play it off as though it slows everything down to hell. It doesn’t.

“secret menus” are fucking stupid but if people want to make something a special order whats the harm?

Businesses that are well run don’t have much to worry about, and frankly who cares about marginal businesses?

I’m in Calgary and this is going to be great, I know a number of people who are going to be helped out big time with this change.

Eh, unlikely. If anyone argues that to be the case it’s mostly smoke. More than wages location and traffic matters to keeping a locations numbers up, and the big cost with having a large number of locations isn’t staff it’s the $1-3 million you’re spending on the building(depending on concept and equipment setup).


I look forward to him calling them all losers. Watching Trump argue makes me so happy

The big problem I see is that iTunes has accrued a lot of extra functionality beyond simply playing music. Apple Music could have been a great opportunity though to start cutting pieces bit by bit out of iTunes until it was dead.

CD head is exploding. Why. WHY?!? You do realize that even a basic low end phone with 16GB of storage can hold roughly the equivalent of 23 cds right? Or if your car as an SD slot you can put in storage up to 64GB or more.

Likely aren't allowed but it can be both. Presumably MS applications get to use plenty of APIs and system calls that are undocumented for public use, so it is possible it simply wouldn't work.

Agreed! It’s incredibly easy to judge someone for their bad decisions when you yourself have never been poor, desperate and seemingly without option.

I’m glad to see that some others still realize that mercy is strength, not weakness. Thank you for that :)

Oh he absolutely was trying to bolt, no doubt in my mind about that.

Maybe one day these people will realize that even criminals deserve dignity and life. But I won’t hold my breath, hatred of criminals runs deep

This is what taxes are for. If the police need more money GIVE IT TO THEM, don’t make them fine it out of us

I’m not trying to excuse phone use while driving, let me be clear about that. I drive a fair bit for work(over 50,000km so far this year) and would like nothing more than people to give it their full attention. I sure as fuck don’t want to die while on the job.

My issue is mostly that I see so many other things on the

There are definite downsides, I guess I’m looking at this from the perspective that people suck and will not correct their behaviours. So from my point of view I’m thinking we should be trying to channel it in some way to less destructive behaviours.

The place I live(Alberta) has actually been getting rather good about