
Ah gotcha. There is some benefit to mining in space, but I very much think it’s decades(at minimum) before it becomes viable. And if we get our act together in recycling and being more sustainable it may never become viable to bring it home.

Doesn’t physics just take all the fun out of life? What a downer

Wow. Just wow. Was anyone going to be killed or harmed? Likely not, and that is the ONLY thing that should justify lethal force.

I’m betting she will, she's worth too much $$$ to not. And she really should, I don't buy this bullshit where your spouse is entitled to a bunch of your stuff, she needs to keep what SHE earned

I just see so many reckless and ridiculous drivers out on the roads and I wonder why they are focusing on this when they let these assholes be dangerous.

It’s fine to be upset, it’s another to just assert that he deserved to die. Which these people seem to be on about. And they assume that a high speed pursuit is the default, when hey, we could just let him drive off. It’s not as though he’s been killing people

I’ve definitely seen people do that. I would much prefer they go after the reckless drivers than people who will cause a fenderbender

People and time is the resource in question. I just look at this and think that, even assuming you are just talking traffic cops there must be better things to grab people for than using a phone while at a stop.

And I would much prefer people check their phones at stops than try to do so while in motion. I spend a lot

Yeah I phrased that badly, I was trying to say the best they could hope for was ~25 because of production limitations

Not a troll, I get that there are risks with this but I can’t help but feel like this is investing resources(officers and time) into this avenue when there are other, much more productive things they could do.

My definition of trolls are people who defend taking a life in a situation where immediate danger is not present.

Feel free to explain what I’m ignoring. But the facts are that he is being indicted, so clearly people who operate in law enforcement also think he was rash and acted incorrectly.

Agreed, but ask yourself: is this the best way to devote these resources? The answer from a harm prevention angle is likely no but it generates revenue. Police can always be counted on taking the option that generates revenue over the option that actually protects people

You don’t need to, and it doesn’t mean you’re wrong but experts in these fields very much do see the value.

I will cede though, if I had to choose between people on Mars and doubling or tripling our unmanned efforts I would 100% take the unmanned option. The romantic side is itself also a huge benefit, I think you can

I suppose, I still think that in terms of harm prevention there are probably much better ways for police to spend their resources and time

I don’t talk politely with trolls or people who have an inability to use reason.

Even assuming the fear is dragging, there is a simple way to prevent that: let go. Add in the simple fact that shooting someone will not put the vehicle into park means that there was no possible scenario where shooting the guy in the head

That doesn’t change the fact that the officer was in no immediate danger. To me that is the only criteria that matters, and shooting him would not have reduced any risk of being dragged, because amazingly a car doesn’t just sit immobile while in gear and the driver who has his foot on the pedal has just been shot.

If my car isn’t moving what is the harm?

No kidding, these laws have a lot of negative side effects. When Ontario introduced their distracted driving laws what we started seeing was people making very sudden lane departures to get off to the side of the road to answer the call.

You can’t raise taxes in america, despite having very low taxation rates those people are so far up their own asses about sharing and contributing to the society that provides them so many benefits

Unless my information is wrong the size was dictated by USAF requirements, which is sad. A smaller crew-only craft could have been amazingly useful

Well said! When I discuss this with friends I liken it to trying to do tech support over the phone, you can spend a bunch of time going back and forth or you can just fix the damn problem yourself.

Boots on the ground means speed and accuracy more than anything else