
Sorry, I didn’t phrase that well. They couldn’t have launched at more than half that rate due to production constraints.

Then why did he fire his weapon? There doesn’t seem to be any reason to have done so. This would be why he is being found guilty and not let to go free

And? What harm would come to anyone in that case? That still also leaves them lots of room to force a search of the vehicle for prints or some other identifying features.

Killing him was not necessary

Yup, that’s why I’ve walked away and am now ignoring the last few comments. People without empathy aren’t going to suddenly learn it on Kinja

Manned is absolutely not required, on that we can totally agree. Of course, that is followed up by the qualifier: “Yet”.

There may not be money to be made but there is the potential for saving time. We could likely have learned more about Mars with a single person spending a week on the surface than we have gleaned

This is what happens when I comment while hungry!

For the probes we will be sending out, to refuel existing satellites and installations, for boosting the ISS(which has to be done on a regular basis). Being required to launch all our probes and missions with all the fuel they will ever have places serious limits on the scope and capabilities of what we launch.

Exactly. We never know what to expect or what we might find.

Europeans 600 years ago had no reason to believe that in searching for India they would discover a landmass that would eventually become home to what is arguably one of the most powerful economic and technological powerhouses on the planet.

HE DID NOT NEED TO CHASE HIM. He knows the rear plate, he knows the vehicle, finding this guy again isn’t hard.

I’m not bothering to engage with you people, if you think refusing to cooperate during a routine traffic stop earns someone death than there is nothing I can say that will convince you to not be a piece of

Once more I’ll say it: fuck yourself. The cop had a clear option open to him that did not at all require him to draw his weapon, let alone fire it aiming for a kill shot.

I won’t be bothering to respond to any of your comments after this, there is no helping what is wrong with you, because you clearly lack any empathy

Agreed, I love manned spaceflight but I feel like the best way to get there will be to exhaust the science we can do with robots alone.

Sorry but due to regulations smoking some dank shit is strictly forbidden in space.

Yup, people are quick to criticize the mothballing of the Shuttle program but it absolutely was the right move. I felt the same as you, sad to see it go but now that I see all the exciting things the private sector is doing I know without doubt that the right decision was made.

You immediately dismiss resource extraction, why? It has never been about bringing materials back to earth, ISRU is exactly that: TO BE USED IN SITU. Anything you can source up there means it is less weight you need to launch.

To put things in perspective: the latest Progress mission to the ISS contained a payload that

The boosters were a huge drain on the program, as it turns out fishing solid fuel boosters out of the ocean and trying to refurbish them is very expensive. Also the heat shielding for the shuttle consisted of 30,000+ tiles which requires inspection and testing before launches.

Frequency also came up as an issue, the

Again, fuck yourself. He wouldn’t have been dragged unless he insisted on holding on. The clear correct course of action would be to let him drive off and then pick the guy up later. Shooting him in the head was totally unnecessary.

Wrong. Fuel, fuel alone is enough to reason to hit up the moon. Being able to launch dry could mean heavier payloads and more capable craft.

Fuck yourself. Lethal force should only be used in the event the officer or another individual is in danger. He was in no danger and deserves to get the prison time he has coming.

Last I checked they are also registered as a non-profit despite the fact that they actively participate in making things less healthy for women.

I'm guessing scrub it down super hard to ensure that there's nothing that could potentially affect future tests