
More common than the news might make you believe. I didn't say they are common in an absolute sense

Bathroom exist for w reason. Fuck your self

Yup. It’s a bathroom, I expect it to smell like shit.

No but you can trademark a logo or in this case text(I guess? I’m not entirely sure what’s happening).

The ui portion is pronounced as an I, as in fine or file.

Absolutely, for many of these statistics as I understand it jails and police forces are under no obligation to disclose figures. Which just seems insane to me but that’s the way it is.

I’m guessing that if they did an in-depth study into this, similar to recent dives into police killings we will find that the number is

It happens a lot, far more than gets reported(both by media and in actual hard numbers for stats) and what we are seeing recently is some cherrypicked cases to get us riled up.

Not that we shouldn’t be riled, we should be fucking PISSED OFF. But this narrative isn’t helpful when we look at the numbers and can see that

The same thing that has been going on for years but its only now that cases are blowing up. The DOJ has some good data on this and the numbers are bleak, one table shows that almost 35% of reported jail mortalities happen in stays shorter than 7 days. (…)

Some of these deaths will be

You can feel that something is the case and still be wrong about it. While they could do what you suggest it would so stupid of them to do so

They need to realize that they aren't tough if it takes 30 of them to feel brave

The honeymoon phase does end, and problems do crop up. It just takes time.

It could go different than I expect but I’m betting you will be so very very wrong. I don’t understand why you people who oppose self driving cars think that humans are flawless, I mean shit if your eyes are moving you are temporarily blind.

Read the article and letter again. That isn’t what they’re concerned about, they are worried about letting decisions about killing people taking humans out of the loop.

Claim it all you want but OS X does the same thing. I can say this comfortably because I have a MacBook and it does this all the time, even with a reasonable amount of ram

And died of simple diseases that we have since cured. Survived without knowing any more of the nature of their existence or the world around them than they could see.

There is no deal, it’s just that in other places these sorts of people wind up in ISIS, or the Khmer Rouge, or some other sort of fucked up group.

Stupid people will expect stupid things regardless of what Mazda does.

Man’s unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the

Consider who the audience is for this and remember that training wheels serve a useful purpose.