
oh ok I wasn't exactly sure, sorry if in my haste I came on a bit aggressive!

I’m happy to see these men held responsible but I can’t help but disagree with the death sentence.

No, not by definition or by any reasonable logic. Those two things are not, as you portray them, two sides of an issue but rather two points on an endless continuum of the ways a human can be awesome or shitty to their fellow humans

In that case it's fine but nothing here in the story indicates that and I'm not comfortable assuming consent is present

Nothing here indicated consent, unless its spelled out I won't just assume that it's innocent when a random stranger kisses some other random stranger

Unless there was explicit consent then yes it is. You don't get to move the goalposts just because the kissed person is a man

Ideas like this are founded in the notion that men are all about the sexy times, and that's just not true. If some random woman tried to kiss me I would be pissed off. Nobody invades my personal space

It’s a rule for them, not me(as I’m not a Muslim) I will draw whatever I want whenever I want. Anyone who has a problem with it will die in the dirt just like these fucksticks did

no. Sorry but no. It isn’t that we have been asked not to do it, but rather that people have murdered living breathing humans over their make believe friend in the sky.

Being white won't protect you, fatal shootings and police brutality is visited on people of all race, the thing that protects you is statistics, which remind us that this, while not rare, uncommon enough that most people don't need to actively fear being killed by the cops.

That was an issue of thermal runaway coupled with insufficient measures taken in design to plan for a battery issue. This is a much bigger problem for a plane since they can’t use the same sort of robust solution as something on the ground because weight.

Obviously it will become cheaper, that's how things trend over time. But your assumption that there are any sort of technical bugs to work out belies you ignorance of the technology

It’s a batterypack, there isn’t much of any ‘kinks’ to be worked out, we understand this battery chemistry reasonably well and have plenty of experience with it.

No. Because the price per kWh is actually quite competitive

Your plan is still insane and utterly unethical. Go home and keep your stupid opinions to yourself

Off duty? You're insane

Not to excuse it but to offer a thought to consider is that these people have probably been raised tobelieve that their value is in being a provider, being the “man of the house”. I can certainly see how someone with that deep rooted belief could see twir perceived loss of purpose and value as diminishing.

It’s hard being a person in general, but you need to realize that saying it’s hard to be man has no bearing on whether it’s hard to be a woman.

Or they own a dictionary and are using it in a technically correct if not colloquial way. But let’s face it most gamers don’t have enough brains to string two words together without inserting a bit about fucking someone’s mother, so I’m guessing not

I would argue that having to go all the way to my home screen to get these features is slower, my most common use of widgets is to check quickly while my phone is in my pocket. To get to my home screen that’s several more steps than swiping up or down.