
This might actually help, studies have correlated first name length and earnings later in life.

People like me here means men, so no. There are plenty of good people and bad people of both gender.

Your trolling ain't workin'

Again this isn't about cost of the parts.

They need something to create a tiering of devices, in cars you have trims separated by horsepower, in things like appliances it's usually down to power or internal size. The line becomes a little muddy when you have several variants of a phone that are, for all intents and

That still seems like a weak reason to me for SD cards to continue to exist.

As always though time and the market will settle this debate. If sales continue then clearly nobody cared enough and the era of expandable storage will end.

I think if you dig down: every way is a resource war. Even the ones where people claim it's ideology.

It's absurd because it helps the buyer upsell themselves through the lineup, yeah, I don't expect to see that change.

I'm always interested when reading these sorts of debates just how strange(to me) some people's use case seems, I have never had a music library that is small enough to ever possibly fit on the devices

You assume a few things:

1) A viable alternative exists, 2) Said viable alternative doesn't have some other, worse concession.

There will always be some manu's bucking the trend to capture the less price elastic part of the market but unless they are taking away significant sales from some other seller I don't expect

The rest of it wasn't relevant to your possible scenario which is: no backup. That was the piece I was interested in addressing.

A surprising number of people don't know how to do basic housework. Men and women.

I work in fast food and in my journeys wind up helping out with lots of training and new staff orientation, and let me tell you, some of these fucking teenagers don't even know how to mop a floor because they aren't required to do any

I've seen it worse in my friends who either jumped into a big relationship early or had a live-in girlfriend. Those who were not forced to take care of themselves.

It's not imaginary, android people frequently like to troll articles about apple products and point out the "downsides".

The first few generations of iPhone were great not because of the industrial design(which sucked) but because they were a big change from what phones were at the time.

Large devices are unwieldy

But presumably these files won't be living on the phone, so you simply need enough storage "for today" no? For example I take a lot of photos on my phone but when I hit Wifi they all get loaded to my cloud provider of choice so it doesn't wind up mattering.

There is absolutely 0 business case to be made for maintaining a sensible pricing strategy.

From a business' end what makes sense is to price it in such a way that the buyer upsells themselves through the product line.

Thusly we will never see storage prices that make sense

I'm sort of curious what you'd intend to do with the phone that benchmarks are relevant.

I used to chase performance but then a few years ago, at the time I got my current phone(iPhone 5) I found that phones had simply become powerful enough that I wasn't noticing any real difference between models in general usability

Is there some reason that the internal storage isn't able to have songs on it?

Sorry but if you aren't backing up you have already lost. Something as portable and fragile as a phone should NOT have unique material on it.

Seconded. I regularly carry an HTC One(work) and an iPhone 5(personal) and hands down Lightning is just BETTER. I didn't go into it expecting that to be the case but it's just a better designed connector.

Sadly for you then it sounds like you will need to change up your habits, removable batteries certainly seem to be on the way out.

Narrowing the time scale to only encompass the facts that support your argument won't help.

Even in the last 5-6 years they have had some weirdness, my Galaxy Tab 1 had a proprietary connector. No rage against them, as I recall at the time the Tab was considered one of the better available Android tablets.

The accessory

Technically it isn't better in any single way as it supports all or most of the features that Micro-USB does, however in terms of USE it is way better. The physical connection is tighter(no more slipping cables) and the reversibility is a HUGE win.

I've debated this with a number of people and they don't get how much