
If you're willing to carry something extra why not get an external battery pack that can work for any USB device you might have?

I work in field operations so I spend a lot of time on my phone and in emails and a lot of time NOT in an office or in a position where it's realistic to charge my phone. Neither of my

I had an iPhone 4(otherwise known as the most shattertastic iPhone to ever exist) and I rolled caseless for 2 years without any problems.

I'm sure the galaxy s6 will be just fine

What exactly is this show about? I don't understand

Today I, as a 27 year old man, have learned that I am in fact: a good girl.

I've having trouble imagining a worse punishment than allowing this piece of work to be VP.

The anger I've seen wasn't expressed in your article but rather the comments.

Why is it a problem? Ethnicity and culture are only tangentially related, not linked at the hip.

Other cultures have plenty to offer us, if we choose to take the stance that drawing on another culture is somehow wrong we leave a lot of potential on the table.

I don't think I understand the outrage. The post here makes mention about dying as a civilian in a resource war but that would reference more closely to the Iraq war and subsequent bombing of Baghdad, not the Gulf War, which is what B.O.B. is actually in reference to. And is a war that was sparked off by an invasion

Not terribly useful though. I'm not sure who these people are who are creating libraries of photos on their phone. All my pictures go to Dropbox and erased from the phone, why would I want to sit around organizing when there are tools that can better handle this than the stock photo library?

Beyond that this is a

Imagine if there was an entire library of software, perhaps available in some sort of app store, that allowed you to replace stock software with things that better fit your needs.

Basic software doesn't need to be all things to every person, it's counter productive to try and do so

Oh, so you aren't showing off an inflammatory opinion for the purposes of trolling, you just have a profoundly stupid opinion. Gotcha.

Weak troll attempt

You're running an old OS on a 7 year old device, expecting it to have tons of features, and I'm the crazy one here?

New versions of the OS can run apps that do this or have the feature baked in. Your complaint that old devices don't have features is just plain stupid

0 to 1 might not seem like a big step but it's a ton better than being stuck at 0

There absolutely is a good answer: introduce the boxes.

These babies are going to be surrendered regardless, better that they be surrendered and not abandoned and die.

The moral thing to do is to minimize suffering without introducing new suffering. This does just that

Not making excuses, just stating that for a long time it clearly did not matter as people continued to use their devices just fine. It matters a bit more now that people and more people treat their phone or tablet as a main computing device, without the expectation that media is coming FROM the computer to the phone.


Who does that? Honestly, do you sort and tag photos as you take them?

This really seems like something that would be easier and faster on a full PC

There are plenty of women up top who seem to disagree

It's not a photos management app, back at that stage they expected you to do that sort of heavy lifting on the PC. Where it belongs

Using a device as it ships is not "doing as were told". It's a simple cost benefit analysis, I've done the jailbreak thing, on my 3G, 3GS, 4S and my current 5. My phone has never been as stable as it was when it was stock, the features were neat but performance and battery life on a mobile device is king.