
All the launchers I have tried have a LOT of greyed out features that require rooting. You may be able to install and run the software, doesn't mean it will provide 100% functionality

Can you elaborate on your issue a bit more? When you say you can't delete you mean the system apps? Why would you need to, just toss them aside somewhere, this is why all my phones have had a "System Junk" folder.

That wasn't my point at all, but rather the idea that women are the nurturing sex, as opposed to it being a per person alignment.

If you aren't willing to shoulder the responsibility of a choice you don't REALLY want to make that choice and should probably not make it.

The illusion would be that everyone can do it and that hard work is the path there. Neither of those statements is factually correct

The illusion of upward mobility in the american economy is the cruellest lie the system sells.

I'm (reasonably) young so I can only speak to what I see in my circles, I wonder if this is changing as the image of a dad changes from the scotch drinking "Man of the House" mould to something more like Phil Dunphy or Ross Geller.

The "all activities all the time" stuff is just nonsense and the worst, structure can

Maybe dependant on age? Cause I know that this doesn't hold true of many people I know, a coworker came back recently from a 10-month long term of parental leave, his wife is self-employed(owns a dental clinic) so she 1) makes FAR more money than he does, 2) doesn't have the generous leave that we are offered at my

This right here. The right to be forgotten comes from a good place and for good purpose.

This case is neither of those things

I assume part of this question not coming up stems from the assumption many people seem to make that men are not suited to or have little place in the raising a family.

The idea that women are the nurturing sex and men are ignorant assholes is just such old hat, I'm 27 and male and babies still make me want to talk in

Occasional failures are only an issue if they occur with greater frequency than human drivers. Remember that the computer doesn't need to be perfect, it simply needs to be less flawed than us.

You assume a world of plenty but not one where we have shed our economic systems that are designed to manage scarcity.

Even if it's not an addiction I think all people should be afforded some comfort and pleasure, if they choose that to be a cigarette let them.

Could it be because social programs offer a leg up and opportunity for people to improve conditions rather than affording America the potential to blow up more brown people?

Again, the existence of bias doesn't mean his conclusion is wrong. Because it isn't. Hydrogen has a part to play(long haul/trucking) but the average runabout is NOT where we will see it, the necessity for distribution and provisioning stations just makes the adoption of hydrogen a non-starter.

What I'm selling? All I'm saying is that children have some fucking rights and parents shouldn't be allowed to modify their bodies without permission.

Why the fuck does actual equal rights scare you so much?

We got some basics in health class(mandatory portion of physical education) but like your school bio was elective.

You would think that preparing students to handle an object we all possess would be more valuable to us.

I think it's also fair to state that most people are wildly uninformed about the human body.

Do most students not get some amount of anatomy in highschool, either through biology classes or health? Seriously people

Sounds reasonable to me :) That's a fairly common failing in most media unfortunately

Broken people are complex too. It doesn't absolve them of any responsibility but ignoring the realities of what lead people to their biases and bad ideas doesn't make it go away

Sounds about right