
How long is that again?

That's exactly it. Many people wind up somewhat bashful.

There's nothing I love more than drowning an asshole in kindness

Agreed, working in customer service(though in fast food not full service) really changed my outlook on the service industry and has made me a better customer. I judge the poor behaviours more heavily but I also appreciate the good ones even more

Customer service isn't so bad, I never wanted to do it(fast food) but then quickly realized that it's actually kind of awesome.

Just remember that no matter how grumpy someone is, MOST people will respond to friendly service and can be shamed into good behaviour by just not giving in to the snark. Seriously, snark just

It's bullshit for someone to take the stance that you can care about many things, some of which are important some of which are not?

You people crack me up. Stop worrying about abortion, there are countries where women can't even vote. Stop caring about violence against trans people, there are places where people are

The kitchen analogy doesn't hold water, because in a digital environment the tool isn't ONLY in the new place, it also exists in the normal place as well. It appearing on a frequently used list doesn't physically move the thing.

You don't tack everything, you tack things that you use a lot. So I've got my browser,

Being worried of escalation makes a lot of sense, but I would urge you to reconsider the bit about trying to not validate behaviour, I would hazard to guess that this guy either thinks his behaviour is acceptable or possibly has no self awareness and is not realizing how creepy he is coming off.

One way or the other

Frankly I hated the start menu way more, the notion that a list of every single piece of software on my computer was in a giant list made me feel incredibly frustrated. Once Vista introduced systemwide indexed search I basically stopped using the start menu almost entirely.

The reason I'm a big fan of what they tried

You shouldn't need to alter your commute. Full stop.

Have you ever engaged with this person to tell them to cut it out? Or are you concerned that if you do that it will escalate things? Or have you already tried and found that he hasn't altered his behaviours at all?

Ask my friends, my family and anyone else who needs to hear my rants. I complain about an awful lot of things that I think are wrong today. Circumcision is usually not even on my radar, I'm really of the mind that if we can get more sane and sensible laws in place around what sort of freedoms bodily autonomy grants

People keep beating this drum and yet when pressed are unable to articulate a single example of this.

This is full stop resistance to change, most of the complaints I hear are about the Start Menu going away, it has nothing to do with the Start Screen being substantially harder to use or less feature-heavy than the

so tired of this old chestnut, it's right up there with women not being understandable by people possessing a penis

Why should I care about that woman suffering from domestic abuse? There are people starving in Africa!!

Thinking and talking about one ill in the world does not detract from the others. Besides which this is an issue of body autonomy which is also at the core of the debate over abortion, birth control and such.


I would pin a portion of it as well to the political environment that is the US. It's so heavily partisan that things (like this) that should be free of political baggage are just...not.

Every time I see a response from you I have a knee-jerk reaction that my mother has started posting on Kinja....One of these times I'll realize what's up.

The thing that frustrates me is that the opinion you're parodying is so pervasive and common! The lack of any sort of logic in this debate bums me out

The care is even suspect if we can infer from survival and mortality rates.

But yeah the system is the main issue, like you say the people who are marginalized the hardest are already in a bad way on the socio-economic ladder. The net effect of raising up those at the bottom HUGE in terms of return and yet....nothing.

America's healthcare system makes absolutely no sense to me. You guys are one of the richest nations on earth and yet you seem to have the worst healthcare system of the developed world.

I don't get why these sorts of decisions are being made by politicians, doctors(who should be the ones we trust here) have been

Imagine for a moment if empathy and concern were not a zero sum game. Imagine if people could care about more than just the worst issues facing us how great that would be.

Now look around you. That's the world you already live in

It changed something minor. People don't like anything to change, thusly they rage

Do you not know what relative means? Without knowing what it's relative to the data isn't terribly helpful