
Usually when something annoys me enough I leave, I don’t pay for it. Wtf are they thinking?

Or (for the people who still don’t use adblockers) annoy them off the platform. You know, either / or.

With their overly long ads for Purple mattress, Grammarly and now that annoying Hearthstone song Youtube is certainly good at frustrating me with their ads but the only thing it seduces me to do is block the ads or stay off Youtube.

Any purges of extremists on the left?

Cruise missiles are extremely expensive and take up a lot of space. With these hypervelocity guided rounds, ships could use their guns on a great many targets that are now served by cruise missiles. This will allow the expensive cruise missiles to be saved for targets that really need them. The railgun isn’t going

You’re reading the remarks of a person intelligent enough to recognize when a situation is complex and morally unclear. He argues both sides of the coin and the overall scenario is put forward as complex, and uncertain - all of which is true. It was well handled in the hospital too - they had a dilemma, took the

A standardized tattoo would be a really good idea, maybe with some sort of identifier that you could add to help point to whatever record you have filed with the state. Make the design available to tattoo artists and the public, along with a note that it will be considered gospel if you end up at the hospital. No more

Pro Tip: It was sarcasm.

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

I think it’s that you can either pay to unlock the content, or unlocking the content is super laborious, for a $60 game. They are making the content hard to unlock for free, trying to force users to pay to unlock it.

Vote with your wallet. I haven’t played an EA game since Battlefield 2. There are a lot of great games out there.

Well, definitely not in a local storage unit out on Hwy 61. Nope, not there.

The dead body smells better.

Dead body will be moved after 1 hour?

How do you tell the difference between a transit worker and a dead body ?

WTF, can you even read? Carolyn Bryant Donham, the woman, will get no money from this book. Jesu, get a grip man.

This professor is an historian of the civil rights movement, activist of social causes, fircely anti-trump, and has been arrested a few times while protesting against racial injustice. He simply is communicating a fact, I bet he too thinks “fuck this horrid woman” but he can’t put it in the book because that wouldn’t

blame the author of the article here for the paraphrases. Unless you’ve read an advance copy of the book, that is.

I think your anger is going in the wrong direction. The researcher has the responsibility to present his research unvarnished by personal opinions. This is the attitude he gathered in his research, not his personal opinion. This guy has spent his life researching, writing about, and educating people about white

I get that, but I honestly read it more as, “this case went a long way toward ruining her life, the only form of justice she’s faced in this life.” But, I’m an optimist. :-)