
I define an expert as an Out Of Town Asshole With Slides.

As long as they stay last in line behind every other child in the country.

Looks like a dust and dirt magnet to me.

If you think that sounds crazy I’ve heard talk about human beings actually flying of all things. And some fool scientists are actually trying to blame illness and death on tiny organisms too small for the human eye to see when everyone knows that it’s caused by black cats and demons.

You americans really don’t give a Fuck about anyone but yourselves do you. You’re just a bunch of self centered cunts and your country and government are world wide laughing stocks. That’s why you’re not respected and losing power and prestige day after day after Trump lie after Trump lie. Your military outside of

If the police won’t act honourably (Big Surprise) then the public is forced to do so in their stead. The public must start wearing hidden body cams plus mount them in their vehicles and on the exteriors of their homes and businesses. We need to catch them in their lies. If the police must be dragged kicking and

Except US military pilots of course but they get a pass from the courts because the government provides the meth.

Was that always Bullshit? I’m starting to think so because as I’ve learned in my 62 years is that history is written by the liars and bullshit artists taking credit for the work of others and the media hardly ever gets the story right.

Fair’s fair. If they don’t like it fuck ‘em and if you don’t like it, well...

Nah, Fuck ‘Em. If we’re not good enough to receive organs then we’re not good enough to donate them either. They can stick their antiquated Reefer Madness attitudes where the sun don’t shine.

I fine with this as long as pot use also precludes people from donating organs as well. If we’re to be excluded from benefiting from the program the program should be excluded from benefiting from the generally healthier bodies of the large portion of the population who partake in a safer way to relax.

Soda Poop.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Yeah but that was in China making his cheap ties and the steel for trump tower.

So F’ing Typical! A country that should be investing billions in rail transportation is instead cutting millions again. Americans seem quite intent on embracing their fate of ever collapsing infrastructure and services.

Unlike people, DNA doesn’t lie. If is says you are of Icelandic and Aboriginal and Persian decent then that’s what you are. White, like black, brown yellow and red is a colour, Caucasian is a race and like all races it comes in many colours.

People who perceive simple questions as attacks and persecution definitely have something to hide as far as I’m concerned. Israel is another perfect example of this.

As is your mama.

It lived in the wild and only spent part of the time with the family. Unless of course you think it had families to scrounge from all over the state.

I guess a boycott of Radio City Music Hall is now in order. Hopefully this will be a teaching moment and leads to Dolan’s firing. He shouldn’t force women to be anywhere near that admitted child molester. I wonder if Trump expects to be able to wander around their dressing room as they get ready for the show like he