
You americans really don’t give a Fuck about anyone but yourselves do you. You’re just a bunch of self centered cunts and your country and government are world wide laughing stocks. That’s why you’re not respected and losing power and prestige day after day after Trump lie after Trump lie. Your military outside of

Except US military pilots of course but they get a pass from the courts because the government provides the meth.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So F’ing Typical! A country that should be investing billions in rail transportation is instead cutting millions again. Americans seem quite intent on embracing their fate of ever collapsing infrastructure and services.

Unlike people, DNA doesn’t lie. If is says you are of Icelandic and Aboriginal and Persian decent then that’s what you are. White, like black, brown yellow and red is a colour, Caucasian is a race and like all races it comes in many colours.

People who perceive simple questions as attacks and persecution definitely have something to hide as far as I’m concerned. Israel is another perfect example of this.

I guess a boycott of Radio City Music Hall is now in order. Hopefully this will be a teaching moment and leads to Dolan’s firing. He shouldn’t force women to be anywhere near that admitted child molester. I wonder if Trump expects to be able to wander around their dressing room as they get ready for the show like he

And took the money .

Now playing

While I like Lenny’s version well enough, like most Canadians I’m just crazy for k.d.

Remember way back when National Geographic had some class...

I used to work in a small shop in Calgary and we used to grab them and beat the shit out of them.

I understand your attitude towards jokes. After all you have to look in the mirror every morning of your life and see a fucking joke staring back at you.

Have you people ever heard of something called a “joke?” Fer Christ’s Sake this is the fucking internet, not a court of law. Get over yourselves.

Would you be comfortable living next to the Wall St. criminals who never did their time? Or how about living next to a Catholic Church where you never know the history of their priests? How about living next to a cop who must constantly be bailed out with your tax dollars for beating innocent citizens? Due to

I own one exactly like that except mine was made in Canada and came with a case. It’s a beauty ain’t it. I used to collect them but had to sell my collection during rough times. As usual the Italians designed the most beautiful portables.

I own one exactly like that except mine was made in Canada and came with a case. It’s a beauty ain’t it. I used to

Cabbies have been driving 12 hour shifts 6 or 7 days a week for decades at least. It takes a while for the rookies but you get used to it. For many of us it was the only way to make a living wage as entry level wages were out of the question for us. There was no parents basement for us to live in rent free for god

I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree sir. When comparing accident rates I think we have to base it on total miles driven on the job, not just miles driven with a passenger on board. That applies to both the cab and Uber type drivers. Any accident during a shift of any length from one hour to 16, whether driving a customer

You have to account for all miles driven during a shift. A cab driver for instance drives 12 hours a shift whether he has a passenger in his car of not. A good Cabbie is always on the lookout for flags. That’s half their income.

I drove a cab nights for 20 years. I had no fault accidents and I only had one ticket in my life. I got hit by drunks running red lights a couple of times but avoided hundreds of accidents by doing the one thing all these drivers need to learn to do, Pay Attention To The Road Every Second! If you want to look at a

Actually if you give them the proper tools and instructions they’ll turn out a fine product. Many have previously done this type of work on the outside before their jobs were sent overseas where even the profits are kept to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Billion dollar American corporations have lobbied for