
I used to own taxis and I found the best thing to remove the residue is lighter fluid, then industrial strength GoJo hand cleaner. A friend from the oil rigs gave me a jar. I gave it a try and it worked great for me. Of course I’ve only used it on certain taxi decals and the Gojo alone works great on road tar stains

I think the real question here is why did that many Americans really believe that this guy would donate his truck to ISIS and leave his company name on it? I can see it from one or two politicians but from enough people to drive him out of business and out of his home? How fucking stupid ARE Americans anyway?

Actually that’s exactly what he did say in his first post but everyone misread it and started in on him. So typical.

He appears to be better at reading articles than several of you are at reading posts. The gentleman above said he should have removed it BEFORE going to the dealer.

So typical of Trump’s Ugly America.

Have you even SEEN the garbage people eat today? That would be a far more relevant story that the garbage people ate 40 fucking years ago.

That’s odd coming from an Israel firster like Hillary who just promised that if elected she plans closer military and political ties with Israel so they can “End Those Muslims.” It’s almost like this bitch will tell any lie to win.

Most of the people I toke with these day will gladly share their pot with you but not their pipe. We all tend to use our own pipes or roll our own joints. That way we can toke at our own pace and not have to deal with a pipe that’s been slobbered on, a joint that’s juiced or the flu someone is currently passing around

That’s my old living room from the 70’s but my carpet was blue shag and I had a 4” foam underpad under the carpet. And where the hell is the $10,000 in stereo equipment that we bought instead of furniture back then?

I used to sell pipes wholesale in the 70’s and here’s a few tips I picked up. Don’t waste your money on elaborate pipes or large bongs with a lot of wasted space. Buy a small 10” bong that holds about one toke’s worth of smoke. I often dry bong but if I use water it must be hot. Tap water hot is fine. It keeps the

Who cares? It’s not like all the victims of these daily mass shootings are worth a pinch of shit to the American people and the politicians they elect. Their deaths are just entertainment for the masses. Circus acts to keep the media occupied till tomorrows news cycle and tomorrow’s mass shooting and damned handy in

The problem with apartment doors is that most can be popped open with an automotive jack braced against the opposite wall and a length of hardwood 2x4. There are better and stronger doors available but people tend to spend their money on visual appeal over strength and security. They buy that stuff AFTER the break-in.

I already have most of the movies I want from that group. It’s geared more towards those just starting a collection than towards serious collectors.

I already have most of the movies I want from that group. It’s geared more towards those just starting a collection

I thought showing off their pussy and ass was the main reason women wore yoga pants.

When people walk fast at me I generally brace myself, give them a shoulder and knock them down. Then I tell them they should learn to watch where they’re f’ing going. If people are blocking my passage I’ll ask them politely to move aside but I only ask once. Then I bull my way through. I’m as pro good manners as any

I’d love to try this but with a tennis racket.

They’re so cute in the southern US when they think it’s cold. Can’t laugh too much though because they can take heat that would immobilize me.

I picked up a second hand Sears down parka at Value Village for $25 and when it drops past 30 below here in Calgary it’s my go to coat for getting around the city. It hangs past my knees and with my ancient Canadian made Sorels, a good scarf, touque and mittens I’m ready for that 60 below with the windchill weather.

Hey Wes! Great info as usual from you. For Canadian readers who don’t have ready access to an LL Bean may I suggest Mountain Equipment Co-Op or MEC as it’s also known. They sell top quality outdoor clothing through their brick and mortar stores and online plus as an added bonus you can pay with your credit card OR

Too true! I think I’ll go and download some music and a few movies, purely as a tribute to the record companies and Hollywood of course.