
In truth though children generally have far more courage than ANY cop or politician in America. America! Land of the free, home of the br...sorry, I can’t finish that joke. I’m laughing way too hard. Brave? Riiight.

I was on your side till you abandoned the country and now you’re pulling this shit? Fuck You and your whole money grubbing jackal family. The whole clock debacle smelled of a setup before and now it reeks of one. I hope the cost of lawyers and court fees and expenses squeezes every last nickle out of your family and

Quit fucking whinging. I drove a cab nights for 20 years and I’ve had andro people just like that get into my cab and hit the clubs. FYI andro, trans, cross dressers, bi, gay, lesbian and straight don’t all adhere to one look and to deny their diversity is to deny the truth. They come in all shapes, sizes and looks.

This just proves that anything you read about their games is cheap propaganda and adverting parading as news.

Yes of course it’s your fault. Haven’t you been paying attention? Iraq,Afghanistan, many thousands of Palestinians killed by America’s Middle East proxy with American weapons and all the dead children written off as collateral damage would only cover your last ten years.

We’ve been bombing and or ripping their countries off for decades or longer. Of course they’re fighting back. Wouldn’t you if you were in their shoes? I think they’ve shown incredible restraint actually.

Carson could never get hemorrhoids. He’s a perfect asshole.

Sorry. Went right over my head. That happens a lot more often since I lost my hair and became so much shorter.

“ cheaply made and poorly constructed “

I live alone. I put a sign over my kitchen sink that says They Won’t Wash Themselves. I like a clean house and a clean car. All it takes to get me started is doing one little thing and then I don’t stop until the house is clean.

“Criminals (shocker) don’t appear to be early birds.”

As a cabbie we were allowed to ask for cash up front on any trip but generally we only asked for “Cash On The Dash” for out of town trips. One night I had a group of young guys run on a $25. trip and the very next weekend guess who gets in my cab and gives me the same address? I took them to the middle of an

Agreeing to one ultimatum only opens up the door to many more. I’d walk away even if I loved the woman because I won’t submit to being the subservient party in a relationship where, if there’s any hope for success, both parties require equal standing.

Aren’t those Gummi Worms? Then what about Candy Corn, Tootsie Rolls and rockets and almost every candy bar on the shelves today? Aside from candy what about hot dogs and the bun they slip into? Then there’s sausages, carrots and cucumbers. And what’s with those Pringles cans? Buckle up everybody. It’s going to be a

That’s why Americans say God Save The Queen so often and children are required to sing it before classes every school day.

No ifs ands or buts. I’d have killed him.

What pisses me off so much is that life could easily be a lot better for all of us if we cared a little more about we and a little less about me. Unfortunately widespread altruism is just another fairy tale we tell our children. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny it’s something they learn doesn’t really exist.

Yes but against whom? There’s a number of different religions in the area plus atheists. This might be one of those rarely seen genuine equal opportunity racists. One of those “kill ‘em all, let God sort them out” nutbars.

Welcome to Uber. Now lie back and enjoy yourself. We know our drivers will enjoy the pleasure of your, or your daughter’s, company.

I’ve read this story before. Canada sends you some animals to repopulate a species you’ve decimated and before long some redneck American with his ever present gun wipes them out again. Fuck You! Get your moving targets elsewhere.