
One small step for man

I just grabbed that picture off the net to show the difference in tints. I don’t but cheap tires, shoes or sunglasses...but I still wouldn’t pay $600 no matter how rich I was.

While driving in the rain I usually wear shooting glasses or very lightly tinted Blue Blockers. They make heavy rain disappear and the light shooting glasses are useful at night because they reduce the glare of headlights coming at you from both directions and you’re not blinded by some asshole coming at you with

I never realized how petty Jordan was. 8.9 million for 2 lousy $2 coupons? That’s low.

I had a few years in sales and I used an interesting technique on customers like this. First ask him to repeat his order three or four times. Then screw it up three or four times. Then perhaps once you’ve got it right cough really hard all over the top of the cup. Make sure to be as polite as hell throughout and after

OK. Here’s mine.

I always thought some enterprising appliance manufacturer would clue in and put an adjustable thermostat on the butter door in their refrigerators so you could keep your butter at a cool yet spreadable temperature. Even when I use my stainless steel butter dish my butter gets a different colour on it’s exposed

Sure. It’s a collective and the Hell’s Angels are a social club.

Well Novak, if you don’t like the freedom in Canada you know where the door to Serbia is. Use it!

He should get a trophy for Asshole Father Of The Year.

The man has the class to pay the bet willingly,publicly and bravely. Bravo!

Regan Smith just made himself an enemy of every decent driver in NASCAR. Hopefully his next season will be spent in the pits or in the hospital. The lowlife dirtbag certainly deserves it.

I know my mellow attitude changed a lot after a drunk driver ran a red, hit my car and sent my head through the side window causing Post Traumatic Syndrome. I’ll bark at people when I never would have under similar circumstances in the past. Hell I drove a cab nights for nearly 20 years (I was working when the drunk

She’s more of a stopped digital clock.

See! Even eagles don’t like nosy fucking drones hovering over their back yards.

That’s what happens when the people you try and help spit in your face.

Are you also against NHTSA crash testing automobiles for the safety of consumers? Do you think we should just ban recalls and trust auto manufacturers to do the right thing? What about CSA and Food and Drug safety laws?

So you think (and I use the term loosely) that hiding your head in the sand is great security policy for Oracle and other businesses? Computer criminals depend on people like you to make a living but the rest of us depend on companies like Oracle to keep our computers safe from both the corrupt and the stupid.

What kind of moron would hire this twit as a security chief?

What a bunch of fucking whiners. What next from this idiot crowd? Do you want to charge men for standing too close on a packed bus?