
What next, everybody pissing and shitting their pants on camera and proud of themselves over it?

If someone is spying on me over my own property with a drone I’ll take it out with my slingshot. Those blades and heavy bodies are dangerous and should never be allowed to fly over people.

Simple fix. Put up posters with the poachers faces on them and make it legal to hunt them and mount their heads on your wall.

Shouldn’t the twits at Vimeo check the validity of a claim BEFORE pulling the fucking videos?

Those are some of the ugliest buildings I’ve ever seen.

A cop once told me that drunks go through red lights and potheads stop at green ones.

I haven’t driven in about six years but I recently moved into an apartment with parking included in the rent (my last place wanted $300 a month for a parking spot). I’m looking around for a new car and one thing I’m going to add for sure is a dashcam. I figure about a hundred bucks should get me something decent. I’d

Why would anyone give a rats ass about what font another person uses? Is their life that fucking empty?

That’s a nice shot of Trump but do you happen to have a picture of the pinata for comparison purposes?

Why would Bill want one of those cheap things when he already owns a Shatner Turbo 2000 toupee?

America is a racist state and NO ONE is surprised by news like this anymore.

No I mean more like you when you poison the atmosphere and pollute the groundwater and don’t give a fuck.

Yes there are all kinds of thing we can do with oil instead of burning it, polluting our environment and destroying the earth we’re supposed to leave our children. Some people though don’t give a fuck what kind of mess they leave behind them.

And until they do I suppose people should just hold it in.

Like maybe the restaurant windows instead of the wall in the alley.

Or the cop busting you.

Well if that’s the truth than they should stop busting people’s chops when they pee outside. It’s not as if humans can turn it on and off at will.

I used to own a 64 Buick Special with aluminum heads and the mechanic tasked with welding them told me aluminum was difficult to weld because the entire part had to be heated equally and if you used too much heat the part would just melt. I heard much the same from my tire man about aluminum rims. Admittedly this was

The Israelis keep saying that it’s nothing to them too and yet they take that nothing year after year after year. Can you think of any use in America for that three billion a year where those on the receiving end don’t throw it back in your face? Education? Infrastructure? Housing the homeless? Feeding the hungry?

What do you say to your wife before jumping onboard a car like this?