
Maybe they can help Israel mow the lawn this summer to pay their way.

Democracy has some pretty dicey issues in Israel too unless the West Bank Palestinians suddenly got the vote and I didn’t hear about it.

Does that include the 4 billion a year in cash plus all the military and intelligence help and political cover at the UN?

Well they’ve got to steal their ideas from SOMEBODY.

If poutine is not to someone’s liking might I suggest fries with gravy and chopped raw onions. I prefer it to poutine any day.

Look at him. It’s obvious. Where R2-D2 is more of a Wok Head R5-D4 is definitely a Pot Head and everyone knows, Pot Heads lack motivation.

That’s only true if she was living in a relationship with one of the men at the time.

That doesn’t matter. Most modern armies West, East or Middle East have shown themselves to be more than willing to slaughter civilians by the hundreds of thousands without giving it a second thought.


“Hell, if a customer orders a steak well done, they’re a terrible eater, steaks should never be well done,”

Are you allowed to bring lunch from home to schools that serve lunch?

Disgusting things are put in the food in American prisons every day. They’re called for in the recipe. It’s called food by the profiteering corporations who run the joints but everyone else just calls it inedible garbage.

I was beaten by cops as a child and as an adult. As a child I was punched in the head by a cop using handcuffs as brass knuckles and threatened with rape. They were trying to force me to confess to crimes that they themselves had committed. The whole force was finally busted for it a year later and disbanded. In one

These things could allow small groups of freedom fighters to go toe to toe with a modern military. Imagine these things in Gaza the next time Israel decides to “Mow The Lawn” as they so delicately put it?

Or a thousand of them going after a fighter, bomber or a drone with a proximity or magnetically triggered self destruct system and just a little bit of C4 wrapped in ball bearings and surrounded by all that shrapnel.

The source has been verified. Bill O’Reilly was there in person and saw a picture of it with his own eyes.

If the county or city subsidizes spay/neutering now it will save a fortune on shelter costs in the future but it must be combined with your expensive “Breeder” licence fees of a least $500 per animal per year. Tell locals that the new higher fees will be instituted in 4 years to give them time to get their pets fixed.

No it doesn’t take drones. It takes rental landlords allowing pets. Even if your current landlord allows pets your next one may not. If you move more often than the average pet’s lifetime this can cause real problems. I’d love to adopt an old dog or cat but I don’t wish to lose my home. I also understand the plight of

Meet Mayor Oreo!

Teachers and students?