
Police are currently on the lookout for Julio and an unnamed accomplice.

I totally agree and I think the answer lies in licencing fees. I think the fee for a spayed/neutered pet should be two dollars a year and for those who refuse to spay or neuter a breeders fee of two-hundred dollars per pet per year should be instituted. You can give the public a five year heads up and you should

One thing you do have to watch out for is bedbugs in upholstered furniture in particular but check everything carefully as they can hide in the smallest places. No one needs that nightmare.

It would be fun to wear it and scare the shit out of my grandchildren with for a split second till they’d want to wear it. It would also make a great Facebook ID photo.

I've been using my Colt Detective lock-blade knife for about 15 years and it's the best knife I've ever owned. The blade keeps a good working edge and if it becomes loose you can tighten it with an Allen wrench plus you can adjust the tension to your liking.

There is no such thing as reverse racism. There’s just racism and racists come in all colours.

So 1 in 3 insurance claims in New York are a scam but all they can find is videos from China? I’ve been hit by drunk drivers several times in my years as a professional driver and the insurance companies consistently treat every claimant like a scam artist. I for one am a little sick of this cheap propaganda from the

You spelled that wrong.

It's not like their actions died with the Party. People acted like Nazis long before the Nazis ever showed up and continue to act like them today. I can't think of a single thing the Nazis did that hadn't been done myriad times before 39 and myriad times since 45.

As were some of the Geheime Staatspolizei.

Just the death penalty but that depends on the mood of the cop.

I haven't ridden since I became disabled but all the bikes I've owned had plenty of room around the cluster for a small monitor too. I'm thinking a landscape view with a wide angle lens to show multiple lanes. I personally don't care for HUD but to tell the truth I've only had the chance to use it in FPS video games

I wonder if any bikes have rear view cameras yet? That might be a helpful option.


That depends on the speed you whip it at. Even a small weight can cause a lot of damage due to the kinetic energy involved.

Didn't a woman recently stop on the road for some ducks and cause an accident that resulted in the death of a couple of people?

As I understand it they usually have leather laces hanging from one foot.

That explains why you're driving a shitbox.

Is that one of the bridges in Vancouver BC?

How about monopods? They wouldn't be in anyone's way. Are they allowed? My only other option in a gun mount style tripod. I'm old and quite ill and my shakes make photography difficult.