
I've used a can of beans to incapacitate and scare off people in the past but it takes me a couple of hours to process them first.

Wasn't there a Volkswagen ad in the 70's where a Beetle raced a AA Fuelie at a drag strip and won when they measured the race to the last place the VW was before the Fuelie took off and blew past?

I cut off contact with my mother decades ago. There were a few awkward calls over the years but we never reconciled. She died recently and I feel no guilt whatsoever about not resuming contact with her. Why should my feelings change about someone when they die. If I didn't like them when they were alive why would I

Ah yes the Saudis. Our allies. The same people who flew planes into the twin towers and the Pentagon. Also the only people allowed by President Bush to fly out of the US on the day after 9/11. And after Bush enabled the escape of the true perpetrators he attacked and destroyed an innocent country and tried to lay the

Fuck you too you racist Jew.

As a Jew all you see is antisemitism. You miss all the other racism including your own. It's just human nature to see only what concerns you personally I guess.

And most Jews are Islamophobic. Over 90% in Israel.

There's also a strong wave of Islamophobia coming from France's Jewish communities. Particularly from those who get all their talking points from Israel.

I'm still using my ancient AKG K260's They still sound great decades later.

I too am wondering about the CCMC's stated reasons. She seems to be asking for the right to get a second opinion yet she's accused of refusing treatment and being treat like she's already been convicted. I have to ask. Why do the doctors at the Connecticut Children's Medical Center fear a second opinion? Something I

Cosby is proud of all the rapes he's committed. He deserves cancer. Where the fuck is this god character when you need him?

After turning their backs on their dead colleagues at their own funerals the NYPD have no right whatsoever to talk of disrespect. NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER!

Of course the Sicari weren't evil. They only snuck up behind people in a crowd, stabbed them and then ran away. Sounds like the work of real men and honourable people to me....

I sleep in the same place every night so no. Also if you're in a hotel and can't find the energy to roll over and look at the alarm clock provided by the hotel how could you possibly find the energy to roll over onto your back and tap on the furniture to check the time?

And what of the image of Black people as equally incompetent, immoral, and unsuccessful? You can't cherry pick equality. It involves the full spectrum of behaviors from good to bad.

Remind me again how much this bitch would lose in residuals if The Cosby Show was pulled from circulation?

I've avoided purchasing a Keurig because I heard from several users I know that the coffee comes out warm, not hot as I prefer and your cup sizes are predetermined by the pods. I like my morning mug of coffee and have measured just how much coffee and water to add to my Sunbeam drip coffeemaker for a single perfect

Or you can simply buy a projection alarm clock like I did 30 years ago and you won't have to hook up anything or press any buttons. I had to check if this was Gizmodo or Rube Goldbergo.

In that case, I'm gonna die.

Calatrava screwed up the overpriced bridge he designed in Calgary Alberta Canada. The whole project had to be cut and rewelded at enormous cost to the taxpayer.