
I live in a city of a million people and travelled for work so I got to try many locations. Wendy's at the very beginning served a good burger in a market where good burgers were rare but went downhill fairly fast. If you really believe that a POS system is more important to the success of a restaurant than the food

II wouldn't exactly call him a man. More of an effete little prima donna with delusions of adequacy.

But none of that means shit without decent food to serve the customers does it? Don't waste your efforts on minutiae and lose sight of the big picture. Restaurants are about the food first.

Actually it was simple common sense that made me stop going. I take it from your post that you continue to frequent restaurants where you don't like the food. I'd ask why but I expect I'd get another equally inane answer from you so I won't bother.

What could possibly make you think that I hadn't?

I suppose cracking down makes more sense to Netflix than providing foreign subscribers decent programming for all the money they charge us. Oh well, back to illegal downloading I guess. That's what comes from a take it or leave it attitude.

I trust none of them and just learned to make my own. I still have trouble making a decent batter though. I wish I could buy quality batter ready made in a pint or quart container in the grocery stores.

Perhaps instead of renovations and new POS systems Wendy's could work on getting a decent tasting burger and fries to the customer before they've gone cold. I've been in many Wendy's where the staff outnumbered the customers and STILL got lousy service and cold food.

That's right. There are no large women that fly. Instead they all hang out in office buildings, shopping malls, beaches, bars and Spa Lady.

And vice versa!

All that family has shown is relief, not grief.

I doubt that they're grieving the loss of their child. Sounds to me like they're relieved at the loss of what was to their ilk, an embarrassment. Many parents don't deserve loving children. This family sounds like the epitome of undeserving parents. Fuck em".

So Obama is sanctioning North Korea for the Sony hack without any evidence that they actually did it. Attacking the innocent while protecting the guilty has become quite the American tradition hasn't it. Must be why they consistently elect such low life pond scum as president. Honourable people wouldn't act that way

Lame. IIt's only January 2nd. and you've already run out of ideas.

All the Chinese food dishes I love, I've learned to cook at home.

There was plenty of government interference in brutally putting down the strike. Same as today is was government of the millionaires, by the millionaires and for the millionaires.

Hopefully her father showed up and beat the flesh off his bones.

We used to call them Mouse Mattresses when we were kids.

Back in the days before remote controls (we only had one channel so no big deal) a friend's mother made him jump up and turn off the TV every time a Kotex commercial came on.

Semantics. 38 years before that you were British too. You were also terrorists. It seems you learned your lesson though. You haven't tried to invade Canada again since being defeated in 1775 and 1814.