
Being a short little fuck has it's advantages sometimes. Aside from always having plenty of leg room we also don't bang our heads nearly as often as tall people.

You need a special season to do that? Any day that ends with a Y works for me.

T'is the reason for the season.

Well he does drink a lot. His church dishes out wine to the faithful and his kid even turned perfectly good water into wine.

And he was conceived using In Vitro Fertilization.

If it wasn't for the French, America wouldn't exist.

Tabarnac! Dere on to hus.

Or try Rumtopf. Last time I tried it was over 30 years ago but I remember it was delicious and had quite the kick. Unfortunately it wouldn't be ready till the middle of next year at the earliest.

What year?

Maybe it raises and lowers like an old Citroen.

He was the best, by far. He even continued to work while suffering from severe physical and mental ailments.

I'd had enough of House by the second season. It became simply too formulaic and repetitive, much like CSI and Nickleback. There was the opening crisis. Then the doctor got it wrong. Then he got it wrong again...and again. Then suddenly in the minutes before the last massive commercial drop he clues in.

Drove a Caprice as a cab for years. They're tough and dependable and will always get you home.

Welcome home Adam. Don't sweat it. Not being allowed in the US is no great loss.

I'd be more ashamed to live in a country where a twelve year old can be killed by an adult with no repercussions.

They were adult enough to stab someone not once or twice but nineteen times. Make nineteen stabbing motions with your arm. That take dedication to what you're doing.

I've met plenty of adults as stupid as these two both on the street and in jail (medical marijuana if you must know). If psychological age is so important to the courts shouldn't many adults be tried in youth courts?


If you're not at all concerned about their rights why should they be concerned about yours? Personally I'm more concerned about human rights and try not to differentiate too much.

In my extensive experience at Canadian bars and parties I'd say 100% of the women I took home were splay legged and I was quite happy about it!