
Isn't that money already earmarked to buy tanks, artillery, jet fighters and beer for small town police departments?

The sign's got it right. NO police department in New Orleans. Just a goon squad.

So Azealia Banks is recommending incest in place of lyrical violence? She probably doesn't realize incest is violence. I'm sure it's just the way she was raised but just because she likes it doesn't mean Eminem will.

Just a thought. I wonder if they can install those trucking and railroad style air brakes that are always on and must be held off by force. That might make for a better kill switch by locking the wheels in addition to killing the engine.

Both in the wrong but only the petty criminal is forced to pay while the killer tasked with crime enforcement walks free as does the banker on Wall Street and the lobbyist on K Street. I'm just sick to death of the whole lying hypocritical self serving stinking mass that has the audacity to call itself a justice

I thought people wore them to help keep sweat out of their eyes but I'm Canadian so what do I know.

Tell you what. I'll call it fair if this mother of 5 they jailed does the time for stealing a car that Officer Darren Wilson does for murdering Michael Brown or any of the hundreds of cops that got away with murder in the last few years like the choke hold murders in New York, one for selling loose cigarettes. Loose

She broke the law just like cops, politicians and judges do every day which leads back to my original statement that the only difference is she's the only one of the bunch actually paying for her crimes while so many others don't. What with all the petty shit they're throwing people in jail for these days she might be

You don't get it do you. She didn't make herself an absent parent. She was made absent by people who in all likelihood break the law themselves daily with impunity. Much like you they only see the speck in another's eye while ignoring the log in their own.

How to handle hair is space?

Oh I don't know about that. The only difference between her and the average cop or politician is that she's actually paying for her crimes.

God I hate stock photos. Better no photo at all than a generic one.

I knew that after WW2 the US brought over a bunch of Nazi scientists to work on the US rocket program and a bunch of Geheime Staatspolizei aka the Gestapo to work at the OSS which is the NSA today but I didn't know they brought in doctors like James "Mengele" Heinrich to work in the US prison system too.

Instead of prosecuting the top hackers the government should be hiring them. Who knows though. Perhaps they are.

So you give him the bag of Doritos and after he's eaten them you tell him you spit on them too.

Do you think it's any part of the problem at all? People will steal anything of value. That's why banks use vaults and alarms instead of just leaving the money in a drawer and why stores lock their doors at night and turn on their alarms. People need to learn to lock things up better and that includes their data.

Why are these celebrities accounts, or anybody else's, so easy to hack? Is it due to back doors deliberately installed by software designers to allow easier NSA hacking? Is it due to simple to remember and simpler to figure out passwords that people use? Are people just lazy about security concerns until it's too

My old Klein & Sons electrician's knife has a hawkbill blade. I guess that's a new model. That reamer almost looks like it belongs on a boatswain's knife.

She didn't happen to recently buy a house that another woman wanted did she?

One thing for sure, Charlie Vacca had an incredible family. Their strength and grace leave me in awe.