
You say the same thing in every Lexus post without providing any details. I think you’re full of shit, Bimmer guy. “88%”, lol.

But it’s ok to give 18 year olds guns and tell them to go shoot people to “defend the freedom of our country”. The young man made his own choice, has nothing to do with his dad.

Not gonna lie, it’s nice to get from Brooklyn to Queens where I work in 15 minutes like it used to 15 years ago before so many people got dumped in NYC and they all bought cars. #PandemicBlessing

LMAO at all the white knights, who have no doubt scrambled to watch her videos to see what the fuss is about. She was making videos in the dealerships bathroom, masturbating on company time in her company uniform, but she’s playing the victim card after becoming a joke at work because she knows there are plenty of

When the people who don’t want it to be said by others put it in their music and make it mainstream, a part of pop culture, it makes the word a casual thing to say for everybody who learns to say it. Some artists say that when they sing along people shouldn’t say it, self censor, like that’s something anybody does. A

I agree. They always sit too low and offer no thigh support. I sat in my friends new Civic EX and couldn’t believe how unsupportive and hard they were, and you have to sit with your knees up in the air. I have Recaros in my car and they look and feel hard but even they are more comfortable and supportive, no pain

I get it.  Losing the black makes the badge match the color of the exterior of the BMW that it’s on.  It looks weird on it’s own, but on that new BMW it looks good.

One of the dumbest things I’ve read in a while is that article explaining, from one person’s point of view, why the logo isn’t a propeller.  Wow, lmao.

I didn’t pay attention to the author of this article, but as I read all the nitpicking, bitching and complaining about trivial things, I knew it was the lady without having to scroll back up.

This fucking place is turning into amateur hour for wannabe comedians. Not a single legit question being asked. Same corny Vette stereotypes being rehashed over and over in various unfunny sentences.

All the trash and waste and destruction going on in our national parks due to huge flocks of Instagram tourists, and these people are worried about tire marks in a place where almost nothing can live, where nobody really cares to go.....give me a fucking break.

This isn’t even funny, it’s embarrassing.  Keep living these fantasies in your head, don’t write about it.

The guy thought he had a 280 plus mile range for the 200K he paid, ran out of power on the way home from a road trip 200 miles away, thought... “I should’ve bought a P100D”, double checked his insurance coverage then lit a match and flicked it in his Taycan.

You don’t know shit about life, because all you’ve ever lived for is yourself and the job you derive “enjoyment” from. get happiness from your job, while I get happiness living vicariously again through my kid, it’s like I have a second go at it. Enjoy your job and sleep, sounds like an amazing life lol.

These people act like they were never kids, or were perfect as soon as they came out of their mother’s vagina.  Kids are messy, make you feel dead inside...stfu.

It’s main party trick is the new torque vectoring awd system, which is also an option on the Rav4.  The Rav4 actually has 3 different awd options.  Too bad it wasn’t mentioned, it’s the main reason aside from its suspension/wheel upgrade that makes it a more fun suv to drive.

Wow, he took hours to wash a clean car.  Great.

We can’t even build decent roads in first world countries, decent power grids in poor countries so they can have light....but we are gonna do all that bullshit.  My brain hurts from my eyes rolling into them.

It’s not about you walking in 2 feet of water in NYC or Miami or wherever the fuck you’re from. It’s about the millions, maybe even billions, of people in third world countries that would no longer be able to live in their countries because their countries...ARE FUCKING ISLANDS. Their countries can get decimated by a

You would think World War 2 is still going on with the amount of money we spend on this bullshit.  Who are these people, these countries, that we need this crap for to make sure we have victory in this fantasy war.