
Proof you can go anywhere on the internet and find somebody spewing verbal diarrhea . At least look up the shit you’re talking about first, man.

All three examples of the Hyundai are from the same dealer though, with stock pictures. This is the type of place where you go to check out the car if it’s in a convenient location for you and buy somewhere else. If you can’t even take pictures of your own stock....

My wife said it once, it was so embarrassing I made sure to let her know it would be the last time. Being a woman, she didn’t mind taking all the credit.

That’s who he bagged? LMAOO

ChrisFix is a good kid who explains things nicely, he’s my go to.  He shows work you can do on various cars, not model specific.  He buys clunkers, works on his own and his parents cars.  He’s also bearable to listen to, which is key to these videos.

Did you cum in your pants?

Why wouldn’t it be based on the hatchback we get in the states already? It’s actually a cool looking car in Sport trim, saw one in all black and could see the WRX potential. It sucks because it’s the typical economy car stuff, nothing sporty.

One thing you forgot to mention, and probably the reason he told Ms. Rihanna to fuck off...he has a diamond plaque on his wall.  These artists these days throw a celebration for hitting a lowly 1 million platinum mark.

His money is his money.  He was fired for the shit he did and can no longer work for the company.  Your problem is with CEO pay in general, not with what happened here in this case.

LMAOO...I’ve waited 3 hours with my white 2 year old with a fractured skull in the ER. That wasn’t the first time. I once took my sick mother and waited a record 5 1/2. This was a thing for us, to see how long it would take. When I had kidney stones, my mother specifically made sure she called an ambulance because she

Redacted.  Just saw what they actually defense for that.

Thanks for this, man. Recently I bought a slightly used car, immaculate. Flew to Dallas from NYC, and drove it back home. When you find the one, you gotta go get it, right? First night home spend an hour looking for the right that’s too, somebody might make a sharp turn in that corner and maybe

They don’t want to raise wages so you can afford a car and a house of your own, so they’re selling living like sardines packed in a can and commuting the same way as the best, viable, option, and these nimrods or numtots or whatever are eating it up.

I enjoyed sitting on the couch and eating bon bons for the first 3 years of my sons life as a stay home dad.  I’d do it again, for

This is so fucking stupid.

If Brian Windhorst would’ve written something like this about a WNBA team, you’d be shitting your panties in a bunch.  Stay woke.


Very impressed by the fact that they didn’t take a short cut and just rebadge a Palisade, like GM or Volkswagen would’ve done.

Why? This is the type of bullshit NASA does that raises questions about them even going there. Stupid shit for no reason, let us just see it the way you’re supposed to see it, without their “retouching for aesthetic reasons”. WTF is that? How about doing things for scientific reasons only.

Found the Boeing shareholder.