
Spent two years traveling, mostly abroad in Europe and Asia. And when it was time to come home (late 2015), I got it in my head that the Nismo Juke was the way to go. I saw Jukes everywhere in Europe and Japan and (again, I’d been traveling) thought it looked like an appropriately-sized vehicle.

So we got home and, the

Dumbest fucking comment I’ve ever read.

Something tells me that her working full time probably kept that debt low. How about we answer the question and not give out patronizing life advice to someone who is clearly very much on the ball?

Some people are one-dimensional and that’s ok.

I’ve come to realize that anyone that calls this car slow either:

With proper tires, this vehicle will straight up embarass significantly more expensive metal on a proper circuit.

Every damn time a new car comes out, comments like yours pop up.

You’re thinking of the old, dead Jalopnik my friend; the one you and I started reading a long time ago.

I remember when Jalopnik used to enjoy and encourage car culture 

It’s comments like this that have killed affordable performance cars.

Just rev the fucking engine.

The Jalopnik Elon hate is always so strong..

Agreed, and also as a fellow designer, I blame a few things for the recent trends in WTF automotive design:

I see the Nissan hating crowd has arrived to shit on anything made by Nissan without even understanding what vehicle they’re talking about.

It’s a pretty toxic worldview that assumes a dislike of bragging is actually just poorly disguised jealousy, isn’t it?

Western Colorado and Eastern Utah would like a word. Really, the whole damn Rockies disagree with your take. 

Agreed — just read his full post about being a vessel of luxury, lol... This is the type of personality where MONEY, not personality, is what he respects and what he thinks *others* respect. All things considered, it’s just fine to be like this, but I avoid these folks since their priorities are well, material.

this took me 10 minutes

Just what the world needs, another elongated hexagon grill.

Have you ever seen an S30 without the steel bumper? This is what it looks like and it’s obviously a call back to that.