
I saw a comic that put it best. It said "saying you can't be sad because someone has it worse is like saying you can't be happy because someone has it better"

Pagani dashboard is so surprised!

Despite my better judgment, I will attempt to answer this as if it wasn't an internet comment board. (With forethought, wisdom, and humanity in mind.)

Yes, on one hand they were just material possessions. If they were all true Buddhist they wouldn't blink an eye releasing their earthly connections to these inanimate

I've been homeless before, and I can tell you that charities and organizations built to help the homeless have no idea what the homeless need, and they make you feel worse about yourself, and almost seem like they're designed to KEEP you homeless (I say that casually, but in all honesty, I believe they're structured

$50 says you had Linkin Park blasting in the background as you wrote that.

Lozzle, you disgust us with your hatred towards our fellow mobile PC gamers and are hereby officially banned from the Universal PC Gaming Club (UPCGC).

Hi Mike,

As pioneered by the greatest mind of our era, Arthur Fonzarelli:


"You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?" - Animal Mother. Full Metal Jacket. That guy is a great actor!

Calling 50 Shades an accurate portrayal of BDSM would be like calling Pokemon an accurate depiction of wildlife.

Fascinating. I'll alert the media.

How very original. Such a clever suggestion could only come from someone whose name is unique enough to add numbers at the end.

Could it be? Floyd from Jet Force Gemini

Now playing

Borderlands 2 to the rescue! (the Fake Geek Guy quest from Assault on Dragon Keep)

That's called Tuesday on the Enterprise.

Hmmm... Apparently so effing hard that Sony bricked all PS3's with drives larger than 500GB in June.... No one remembers that.... How odd.