He was also afraid of air conditioners, the electromagnetic spectrum, and all shapes that are on a curved surface.
He was also afraid of air conditioners, the electromagnetic spectrum, and all shapes that are on a curved surface.
I know it took you at least 15 minutes to write this, and I love the irony of you doing so rather than spending that time fixing the situation lol.
I’m frankly more disturbed by how high up your television is.
Um, it’s spelled “shyt-stirring.”
That title has more presence than the whole city of Sacramento, California.
Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.
I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.
Track: Summer Song | Artist: Louis Armstrong and Dave Brubeck | Album: Summer Song
Track: Nazi Punks Fuck Off | Artist: Dead Kennedys | Album: In God We Trust, Inc.
Oh Yee of little integrity.
Considering most of the commenters like you never once opened up Blender and assume it's easy to render detailed, large-scale airships or even basic level assets and the comments should sound like this. 9 commenters should be able to come to the same conclusion in 15 minutes but I doubt they ever got past Intro to CS…
This information is purposely misleading. Maybe you didn't read it, but the area they're creating is specifically for education and awareness. Furthermore, the idea of designating said area's as "safe zones" is also fabricated by the author of this post. If you look at the actual posts, they talk about teaching people…
No it isn't infringement.
I saw a comic that put it best. It said "saying you can't be sad because someone has it worse is like saying you can't be happy because someone has it better"
Despite my better judgment, I will attempt to answer this as if it wasn't an internet comment board. (With forethought, wisdom, and humanity in mind.)
Yes, on one hand they were just material possessions. If they were all true Buddhist they wouldn't blink an eye releasing their earthly connections to these inanimate…
I've been homeless before, and I can tell you that charities and organizations built to help the homeless have no idea what the homeless need, and they make you feel worse about yourself, and almost seem like they're designed to KEEP you homeless (I say that casually, but in all honesty, I believe they're structured…
$50 says you had Linkin Park blasting in the background as you wrote that.