
I’m putting this down as Song of the Year so far

I did a little digging because my Gamertag is over this new limit and I found this... 

...and you will know us by the trail of piss

Now playing

I would die for Claire from the Bon Appetit test kitchen...

I think it looks more like a Puma

I’m honestly surprised by the omission of Chicago. A lot of their early stuff is 100% Grade A rock.

I asked one of the guys in the Luigi’s Mansion E3 booth about this very thing. I’m just going to assume he didn’t tell me for my own safety.

Banjo begs to differ. 

Persona 5 isn’t even on Switch, yet we still got Joker as DLC. At this point any franchise could end up in Smash.

I am a vocal supporter of BIG LOCATION TITLES

I’m sorry, what were you saying about never being topped?

Now playing

This is my absolute favorite cover of Shiki No Uta. Give’s me chills every time. 


Twizzlers: For when you want to know what its like taking a big bite out of a rubber hose.

What about the Stalk Market? The most free-market capitalist thing you can do in the game?

FTFY: “That’s why I love homebrew so much. Doing what Nintendon’t.

Now my head just hurts.

wait, isnt it the other way around?

Maplestory comes preinstalled.