
Completely wireless.

Adam is still the better Baldwin. (and thankfully no relation to Alec)

Tell us how you really feel.

I guess you didnt hear about the super exclusive preoder bonus that includes a dozen donuts.

Ive been using Ninja De Fuego since 2004 during my sophomore year of high school. It all started from my obsession with Halo 2 and being tasked with coming up with a character for a dialogue in spanish class. All it took was me playing off of Jason Jones' quote, "Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire,

As long as design doesnt regress to seafoam green, offwhite, and shit brown with fake ass wood inlay, I think we'll come out ok.

Simple. Its human nature. As soon as man found a stick he found a way to wield it as a weapon.

You mean a handheld console.

I wonder what things would have been like had they baked in the HD-DVD drive.

Now playing

Since you don't seem to like cubes in games, may I introduce you to some graphics.

Well, now it is officially continued as an "ongoing benefit."

I've been rocking this for so long I can't figure out where to even start looking for a replacement. What I am looking for is something with a similar form factor, with as little of the mechanical clunk that normally accompanies a lot of gaming keyboards. I've looked at a couple of the silent mechanical type but I

Now playing

Tune: The Mouth Don't Stop (The Trouble With Women Is)

The details I really appreciate are the dirt on your car left behind after a rainstorm, the effect of only half of your character's body getting wet when wading through water, and the fact that cars slowly stall out with a leaky gas tank. The dirt alone blew me away when I first noticed it.

Its possible to play on the whole socially awkward and extremely intelligent angle, it's just that it isn't done well in BBT. Take Abed from Community. That's a character that is both intelligent and extremely socially awkward, but the way he is written avoids the "Look at him! Look at him and laugh" effect.

Personally I feel like Big Bang Theory is written in a way that makes the main characters look like fools so that the layperson can laugh at them. I have never once felt, "hey, those characters are just like me!"

Except that its made for gamers, by gamers, and it doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator for the express purpose of getting good ratings.

Too bad Duke Nukem didn't know about that feature of Power Armor.

Oh really, because there was so much stripping and whoring to be done when half the time she isn't even on screen. Your description of Cortana = flawless.