
FFXIV has dungeon finder. You only have to go to the dungeon entrance itself for the initial quest tick then you can leave and use the duty finder to find you a group while you do other things.

They were actually missing a large chunk of episodes (starting at Thriller Bark arc iirc) but recently got the whole thing and air simulcasts as well.

Except fighting games have had custom controllers for decades now. It’s a common thing for them. If you look at people playing Street Fighter at tournaments, very few use the PS4 controller and the majority use 6-8 button fightsticks.

[Correction—2:00 PM EST]: An earlier version of this article stated that the SmashBox controller allows macros. Huffer elaborated in an e-mail that the “Smash Box cannot do anything that traditional GameCube controller can’t — you just input your moves differently. Because of that everything is more precise and

Of course they anywhere near as good as the Logitech unit, but they do produce the sound I wish them to produce on demand. That sound is clear enough. If I so choose I can crank up the subwoofer and just enough bass to the mix to justify the extra desk space. Plus these glow like the future.

I remember the when I strangled a man to death in the game with a plastic bag and could see the bag expand and contract with his breaths and cling to his face. After I did it I just sat there for a minute thinking about what I'd done and then took the game out of my PS2 and returned it to the video store. I felt sick

Daigo didn't have much of a choice. If he had just blocked the super he would have been chipped out and lost and he was in a position where if he neutral jumped over it he might still have gotten hit. He could probably have forward jumped over it but then he might not be able to punish. This was basically his best

whatever you say, brah.

That's not what I said.

I don't think they're trying to feminize her any more than the character already is. WW wears heeled boots in a lot of her comic adaptations so I don't see a reason it even needs mentioning.

Well she also wears heeled boots in a lot of the comics so I don't see it as a big deal, I guess.

I think it's probably just so she doesn't seem short compared to Superman and Batman or whatever bad guys she might be beating up. Wonder Woman's supposed to be 6' but Gal Gadot is only 5' 9". Henry Cavill is 6' 1" and Ben Affleck is 6' 4". Giving her some heels just levels her out a bit, so to speak.

Good thing Ken and Ryu's supers are very different!

Superhero outfits have looked like go-go dancers and the like for a while now so I'd say they do look like a superhero group. It's weird seeing a sexualized, grown-up version of characters that were little girls in dresses before but I wouldn't say it's out of line for what you'd see on the cover of a superheroine

They don't really look like a unified superhero team either, though. They just look like high school/college girls that can fly.

You could kill him before the boss fight. You could kill him during the boss fight. You could incapacitate him. You could wait for so long that he dies of old age (not joking).

I thought all the lore was boring, Lydia is the only character whose name I can remember, I probably couldn't quote you a single line of dialogue, and I thought all the weapons and armor were ugly except for some of the daedric and dragonbone stuff. I have over 70 hours in the game and it's all because of mods that

Except most artists don't actually own the rights to their music. Rockstar most likely went to the publisher and got usage rights from them. I've seen a few comments talk about how that feels unethical but Rockstar would ultimately have had to go through the publisher to secure usage rights anyway. Sounds to me like

So if I make a character tonight, that character is still eligible for the handout, right? I wasn't planning on touching the online portion until I'd run the offline dry but I can go ahead and make a character for free money.